
Violence against women, new research questions the men involved


The research group led by Prof Ines Testoni published the article 'Gender - based violence comes on the scene: Creative Arts Therapies intervention in prison with men who committed or tried to commit feminicide'. The study presents the findings of an intermodal psychodrama intervention aimed at counteracting the risk of future violent behaviour

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Violenza contro le donne, una nuova ricerca interroga gli uomini coinvolti


Nell’articolo “Gender-based violence comes on the scene: Creative Arts Therapies intervention in prison with men who committed or tried to commit feminicide” firmato dal gruppo di ricerca diretto da Ines Testoni, sono presentati i risultati di un intervento psicodrammatico intermodale volto a contrastare il rischio di futuri comportamenti violenti

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Nuova metodologia per il QS Sustainability 2024. Unipd una certezza in Italia


L’agenzia QS ha rivisto profondamente la metodologia di questo ranking, concentrando l’attenzione su tre ambiti: impatto sociale, impatto ambientale e governance. L’Università degli Studi di Padova si posiziona al 110° posto al mondo e seconda in Italia

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New ranking methodology for QS Sustainability 2024. Unipd is a certainty for Italy


The new QS methodology has profoundly changed its Sustainability ranking by focusing its attention on three areas: Social Impact, Environmental Impact, and Governance. The University of Padua is ranked 110th in the world and 2nd in Italy

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new hospital

The New Padua East Hospital Complex project is presented


Mapelli about the new Hospital complex: Forward thinking means understanding the fundamental role research is for society as a whole. Research comes from innovation and thanks to the presence of a dedicated research tower; we will have a fast track to transfer research into clinical activities

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Mapping and protecting the biodiversity of the Poles, the proposal of an international research team


A new study reserach, realized by an international research team that includes Unipd, analyzes the possible effects of global warming on the poles and their biodiversity and assesses potential threats to Arctic and Antarctic species due to climate change

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lego bricks

Lego’s at the Museum - The awareness initiative begins at Unipd museums


Beginning at the University of Padua museums, the Lego at the Museum awareness initiative invites everyone to donate Lego and Duplo bricks to collectively create a ramp to help people with mobility disabilities overcome architectural barriers

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Unipd research. New possibilities identified for chemotherapy-resistant medulloblastoma


Unipd researchers with a news research have shown that drugs that affect cancer cell metabolism, and are commonly called antimetabolites, are particularly active in treating therapy-resistant cancer cells

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Unipd research. How a mother’s language shapes the newborn brain


A news study “Prenatal experience with language shapes the brain” published in Science Advances by researchers from the University of Padua investigates how the brains of newborns are influenced by their previous exposure to language

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ERC Consolidator Grant: Unipd project by Matteo Millan financed with 2M euros


Prof. Matteo Millan is among the winners of the 2023 ERC Consolidator Grants cal. He submitted a highly topical project entitled, EU-GUNS - "A Continent Disarmed? Gun Culture, Gun Control and the Making of Western Europe (ca. 1870-1970)". Prof Millan will be able to benefit from a budget of almost 2 million euros

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