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VQR Third Mission Ranking places UniPD in Second Place among Italy’s


The University of Padua ranks second among Italian mega universities and twelfth at the national level in the ANVUR evaluation for the VQR Third Mission

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Heart activity, not brain activity, is what triggers an emotional response


The University of Pisa, in collaboration with the University of Padua and the University of California Irvine, published a study which analyzed the mechanism that leads us to experience specific emotions in the face of certain stimuli, investigating the theory that the root of emotional response comes from the heart

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"Informa", un’app per contrastare l’Alzheimer a casa propria


"Informa" è una piattaforma telematica multi-tecnologica per la stimolazione e la riabilitazione cognitiva di persone con disturbo neurocognitivo, come l’Alzheimer. L’obiettivo del progetto è permettere alle persone affette da questi disturbi di eseguire da casa e in autonomia una serie di attività basate sul protocollo Cat

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Padua meets Harvard: Nutrition, sports and dietary supplementation


Nutrition, sports and dietary supplementation. For an efficient brain and a trained mind in a healthy body'. This the title of the conference, organized by the University of Padua, Department of Biomedical Sciences, in collaboration with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

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Ricerca: i ricoveri per COVID-19 in terapia intensiva nel Veneto da maggio a dicembre 2021


Uno studio realizzato dall’Università di Padova “COVID-19 Vaccination Status Among Adults Admitted to Intensive Care Units in Veneto, Italy” ha valutato i ricoveri per COVID-19, a seconda dello stato vaccinale, nelle unità di terapia intensiva nel Veneto da maggio a dicembre 2021

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