OrariUnipd is the app designed for students of the University of Padua to get back to classroom and help them follow procedures and routes.
Record your presence in the classroom
From the first semester 2020-21 the University of Padua has decided to track students’ class attendance with the OrariUniPD app, in order to better manage any health emergency.
Students are asked to act responsibly for a safe return to the classroom for everyone:
- Download the OrariUniPD app
https://apps.apple.com/it/app/orariunipd/id1436137050 - record your presence in the classroom by typing in the code number or scanning the QRcode that the teacher will display during the lesson,
- enter your seat number.
Tracking class attendance has the sole purpose of protecting students and staff members against the Covid-19 emergency.
Video presentation
Find out more about the app OrariUnipd
OrariUnipd is the University of Padua’s application that enables students to check and manage the timetable of classes and exam dates. You can create your own profile easily and select only the course units you are interested in. You can also record your presence in the University’s classrooms and study rooms and check rooms’ occupation status at any time: the entire Unipd agenda at your fingertips!
Some main functions of the app:
- check the timetable of classes and exams,
- check classrooms and study rooms’ occupation status,
- record your presence in the classroom during lessons,
- reserve your place in the study room,
- receive notifications in real time.