Stays over 90 days
European Union Nationals
To stay in Italy for more than 90 days, you need to be registered on the “Temporary Residents Register” (Schedario della popolazione temporanea) at the Town Hall Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe del Comune).
Schedario popolazione temporanea
After 12 months you can apply for the permanent residence
Iscrizioni anagrafiche
Non-European Union nationals
Non-European Union nationals or stateless people need a residence permit for study purposes if they want to attend University courses for more than three months.
To obtain a residence permit for study purposes, students enrolled on a University course or in a secondary school will need a study VISA.
Application for the permit must be sent within 8 working days from the arrival in Italy. The first permit is valid for one year.
When you obtain your residence permit for study purposes, you are allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week.
Kit collection to post office
A “kit” containing the requisite forms is available in all post offices that show a “sportello amico” brand.
NB: in any case, the permit will be issued for the length of your health insurance and for no longer than one year. To extend your stay in Italy, you will need to start the renewal process in good time, i.e. three months before it expires.
Filling the kit
Please fill the kit following our tutorial
Put in the kit a copy of the following documents:
- a €16 marca da bollo (duty stamp)
- a photocopy of your passport or identity document (main page and any pages bearing stamps or visas);
- a photocopy of a valid insurance policy to provide health or accident cover for the duration of your residence permit in Italy;
- a photocopy of the certificate attesting either enrolment for the current academic year or activity carried out at the University;
- confirmation of your accommodation - issued by the service in charge OR, if you live in a private apartment, house contract +registration+ comunicazione di ospitalità+his sending receipt
Comunicazione di ospitalità (template)
Comunicazione di ospitalità (sample)
Comunicazione di ospitalità (instructions)
Presenting the application
You must present the application in an open envelope to the enabled Post Offices, together with your passport or another identity document. You will be given a three-page receipt which must be carefully conserved; you will need it if you register with the Town Hall Registry Office, or the Italian National Health Service:
- the receipt;
- communication of the date of your first appointment at police headquarters (Questura);
- the postal order proving payment of your application.
- a €16 marca da bollo (duty stamp) on sale at tobacconists' (tabaccheria).
When you present your application at the post office, you will need to pay:
- €30 for the service;
- €70.46 for the issue of a one-year electronic residence permit
Appointment at Police Headquarters (Questura)
You will need the following documents:
- 4 passport-size photographs;
- the original copies of the documents you sent with the kit;
- your passport;
- The residence permit postal receipt.
Residence permit collection
When the permit is ready, the Questura will send you a text message telling you when you can collect it. To collect the permit from the Questura, you will need to bring:
- your passport;
- the receipts for your permit application.
If you miss the appointment, the residence permit can be collected form Monday to Thursday at 14.30
Questura di Padova, Immigration Office, is located in Piazza Zanellato, 7
Sportello amico enabled desk
SAOS - Servizio Accoglienza Ospiti Stranieri
Palazzo Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, 35122 Padova
email: saos@unipd.it
Book an appointment with the SAOS Desk