Healthcare and Primary Services
The University of Padua offers a range of health services dedicated Italian and international students. Psychiatric, gynecological and andrological care can be received in the facilities provided.
- Information on healthcare for temporary stays (exchange and double degree students)
- Information on healthcare for European students/
- Information on healthcare for non-European students
Health Insurance Assistance Desk
To assist international students and researchers in registering to the NHS, the University of Padua and ULSS 6 have opened a dedicated office in Palazzo Bo.
International students and researchers at the University of Padua can access healthcare services by registering to the National Health Service (NHS). Registration to the NHS is voluntary, valid for one calendar year (from 1 January to 31 December) and requires the payment of a registration fee.
Health Insurance Assistance Desk
Psychological Assistance Service
The Psychological Assistance Service is a point of reference for any students who encounter psychological difficulties during their studies (anxiety, relationship problems, academic performance). It provides counselling so that students can play a productive role in University life and reap the benefits of their studies, and valuable information and support regarding addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs, eating disorders etc.).
The Service, which is completely free of charge for all students of the University of Padova, is set up by the Department of General Psychology and the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation in collaboration with ESU.
International students can book an appointment by writing to psychological.assistance.scup@unipd.it.
Psychiatric Consultancy Service
The Psychiatric Consultancy Service has been set up by an agreement between the ESU and the Department of Psychiatric and Neurological Science in order to offer students expert advice on psychological or personal problems, difficulties or unease.
Consultation consists of three diagnostic or evaluative sessions, plus one session based on the structured interview method. Sessions are on a weekly basis, and at the end of the course, the S.C.P. offers a brief series of therapy or recommends organisations that can offer students additional advice.
Servizio di Consulenza Psichiatrica
via Giustiniani 2
tel. +39 049 8213830
e-mail: crisi.studenti@unipd.it