STARS Grants 2021


Through the call for proposals STARS Grants 2021, the University of Padua financially supports individual research projects, without any predetermined priority, for the duration of two years. Candidates may apply in one of the 27 scientific research areas corresponding to the three ERC research domains: PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering, LS – Life Sciences, SH – Social Sciences and Humanities. 

Programme objectives

The main goal of the Programme is to increase the participation of the University in international competitive calls, specifically the ERC ones: STARS GRANTS 2021 grantees are committed to submitting an ERC application indicating Padua as their host institution.
Scientific excellence will be the sole criterion to evaluate proposals.  

Who can apply

We look for Principal Investigators (PIs) of any age and nationality who wish to carry out an innovative, ambitious and feasible research project at a hosting department at the University of Padua.

What we fund

Applicants must choose one of the following funding schemes:

  • STARS Starting Grants (STARS-StG) for excellent PIs who are about to establish their own research team and/or to start their own independent research
  • STARS Consolidator Grants (STARS-CoG) for excellent PIs, who are already conducting research at the University of Padua and are consolidating their own research team and/or their own independent research
  • STARS Wild Card Grants (STARS-WiC) for PIs who submitted a project to the 2019 and 2020 ERC calls, indicated the University of Padua as their Host Institution, obtained a final score of "A" but were not funded due to budget limits.

How and When to apply

The STARS GRANTS 2021 is open form 11 January 2021 to 12 April 2021, 1 p.m. (Italian time zone)

Applications must be submitted via the PICA electronic submission system (registration required):
For information about the submission procedure and the proposal templates, please see the “Guide for applicants and proposal templates” attached to the call for proposals.

About Unipd

- Why choosing Padua as Host Institution?
- Erc Grantees and Success stories in EU funded research at the University of Padua

  Call for proposals and Application procedure

The Guide for Applicants has been updated with the new PICA authentication procedure (vers. 2, 1 March 2021)

The Guide for Applicants has been updated with indications for filling in the budget table and integration to the "Eligibility criteria" (version number 3.0, 24 March 2021)

Closed calls

STARS Grants

Research and Business Relations Area
International Research Office
via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padua