ERC FP7: Rosario Rizzuto

DocProject:  MITOCALCIUM - Mitochondrial calcium signaling: molecules, roles and pharmacological targeting

Rosario Rizzuto


ERC Grantee: Rosario Rizzuto

Department: Biomedical Sciences

Total Contribution: Euro 2.432.400,00

Project Duration in months: 60

Start Date: 01/04/2012
End Date: 01/04/2017

Personal page


Rosario Rizzuto is Full Professor of General Pathology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences.

He completed his Medical degree (1986) and his PhD in Biology and molecular pathology (1991) at the University of Padova. After two years as research associate at the University of Padova (1991-1992), he became Professor at the University of Ferrara (1992-2008) and then came back to University of Padova as Full Professor in 2008.
His research activity focuses on the study of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU), the Ca2+ uptake pathway of mitochondria identified in 2011 by his research group. This research has been supported by grants from different national programs and foundations (e.g., Telethon) as well as from the ERC, which funded the Advanced grant MitoCALCIUM (2012-2017). He has also been awarded several national and international prizes, including the Chiara D’Onofrio prize, the Biotec Award, the Theodor Bucher medal, and in 2014 the Antonio Feltrinelli prize by the Accademia dei Lincei. He published 238 papers in peer-reviewed journals (ISI Web of Science: total citations >20.000, h-index 81), 14 book chapters and over 200 meeting abstracts.