ERC: Umberto Castiello

PDFProject: ROOMors - At the 'roots' of motor intentions

Umberto Castiello


ERC Grantee: Umberto Castiello

Department: General Psychology

Total Contribution: Euro 3.148.411,00

Project Duration in months: 60

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Umberto Castiello is Full Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of General Psychology. He worked for about sixteen years (1988-2004) abroad at various Universities such as the University of Lyon, the University of Arizona, the University of Melbourne and the University of London. He became Full Professor at the University of Padua in 2004 (call per “chiara fama”). He is a member of various scientific societies and of the Beniamino Segre Center at the Accademia dei Lincei. He was awarded the Doctorate of Science by the University of Melbourne. His research activity is focused on the use of three-dimensional movement analysis and neuroimaging techniques for the study of the mechanisms linked to the organization of movement. His recent studies are based on t­he development of new and sophisticated experiments employing motion analysis and other methodologies to study behavior and communication in plants. His most important results include the demonstration that plants, even in the absence of a brain, are able to perceive and evaluate the physical characteristics of external elements in order to "plan" a functional movement to achieve a goal. This research opens a new vision for the study of cognitive abilities, approached from both an animal and plant perspective (neural and non-neural) which offers a more integrated view of the evolution of cognitive processes and the ecological interactions that contribute to create them.

His research has been funded by various international and national programs and foundations. He has published over 300 papers in international peer-reviewed journals (total citations >14000, index H 62).