On your arrival - Erasmus+ for Studies
Step 1: Student card and Arrival certificate
EXCEPTION: KA171/ICM students, whose contact person is Ms Elisa Zambon, can pick up their student card at the SASSA Service. They must make an appointment for the earliest available date after their arrival, this can be done from the reserved area of ESU online portal ("Sportello studente"), by clicking on the calendar icon in the top right corner.
As soon as you arrive in Padua for your exchange period, you have to book an appointment to meet the Mobility Unit in order to register your arrival and receive your UNIPD student card.
Your appointment is necessary to prove your presence in Padua and to allow us to issue your Arrival Certificate.
Appointments are scheduled from the week before to the week after the beginning of the semester.
Students receive an email from the Mobility Unit with detailed information on how and when to book the appointment
For students who collect the badge before the beginning of the semester, the arrival date that will be written in the Attendance Certificate is the start date of the semester and not an earlier one.
CERTIFICATE OF ARRIVAL: after you have collected the student card, you will receive the certificate of arrival via email, attesting the start date of your mobility in Padua.
ONLY IF YOUR UNIVERSITY REQUIRES A SPECIFIC TEMPLATE: after you have received the Unipd certificate of arrival, you can upload your template in Mobility Online. The instructions to upload it are reported in the same email with the Unipd arrival certificate.
The certificate is sent only via email.
Even if you arrive earlier, we will not send you the Arrival Certificate before the official beginning of the semester.
If you start practical activities (thesis, labs, practical training) earlier than the official beginning of the semester and you need an earlier date on your Arrival Certificate, please write to erasmus.incoming@unipd.it.
Step 2: University's insurance and enrolment tax
You will be required to pay an enrolment fee of €22.50 covering the insurance costs (€6.50) and the revenue stamp for enrolment (€16.00). This is mandatory for all students enrolling at the University of Padua, even if already covered by other private or national insurance.
UNIPD insurance covers any accidents that may occur on the way from your house to university, while attending lectures or having your meal in an ESU canteen.
You can pay the € 22.50 fee without extra charge through PagoPA,a payment method which guarantees safe and reliable electronic payments to the public administration. To make the payment, access your personal Uniweb page and click on ‘Right to university studies, disability, disclosure, summer courses’ > Payments’. For further information on how to pay via PagoPA: https://www.unipd.it/en/pagopa
Step 3: Welcome Days
The Welcome Days are addressed to all incoming students taking part in a mobility programme (Erasmus+ for Studies, SEN Coimbra Group, Swiss European Mobility Programme, ARQUS Alliance Mobility Programme, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, Bilateral Agreements, Double & Joint Degrees).
Students are introduced to the University and the city of Padua and provided with all the information needed to ensure a great and fruitful stay at UniPD.
The Welcome Days take place at the beginning of each semester.
Step 4: Start of activities
Classes may start earlier or later than the official start dates of the terms published in the Key Academic Dates. To be sure of the exact start date of your classes, you need to check the Class timetable of each course unit, which should be available between 4 and 2 weeks before the start of classes.
You don't have to enroll in the courses you will take, you just need to sign up for each course in the e-learning platform Moodle, to use the OrariUnipd app and to fill out the Study Plan on Uniweb (see the section During your stay).
You will receive detailed instructions during the Welcome Days, and through emails
Step 5: Non-EU citizens
All non-EU citizens will be contacted by the Mobility Unit of the Projects and Mobility Office and will be provided with detailed information about how to submit the residence permit application or the Dichiarazione di presenza (declaration of presence).
Required documents:
- passport;
- residence permit issued by an EU country (if you have one);
- 1 revenue stamp (€16.00);
- 4 passport format pictures (only 2 for the “dichiarazione di presenza”);
- tenancy agreement/comunicazione di ospitalità (see step 5 for further information);
- European Health Insurance Card or health insurance policy/certificate (see step 5 for further information).
Step 6: Residence permit for non-EU citizens
The residence permit application must be submitted within 8 working days (from Monday to Friday), the first day that counts being the first full day after arriving in Italy.
Below is the list of what you need for the Residence Permit Application/declaration of presence:
- 4 passport format pictures;
- 1 revenue stamp (€ 16.00), to be bought at a tobacconist’s;
- insurance: photocopy of the policy/certificate. An acceptable medical insurance for Italian residence permit must provide evidence of a national office based in Italy to be contacted in case of emergency. You should be aware that the insurance used to obtain the visa may not comply with the requirements of the insurance needed for residence permit;
- Confirmation of arrival: the Mobility Unit of the Project and Mobility Office will provide you with the document stating the date of arrival and the duration of the stay, required for the residence permit application;
- photocopy of all the written pages of your passport (the main page and all the pages with visas/stamps);
- tenancy agreement/proof of private accommodation: all students who stay in the University’s residence halls will sign a contract (“Atto di accettazione alloggio”) at SASSA Service upon arrival: a photocopy of such document will be given to the student and it will be sufficient for the residence permit/declaration of presence application purposes. Students who chose instead a private accommodation should include in their application a photocopy of the signed and registered contract AND the "Comunicazione di ospitalità” (proof of private accommodation), which has to be sent by the landlord to the Immigration office within 48 hours after the student has moved into the apartment;
- Italian tax identification number: this document will be provided by the Mobility Unit.
Once the application for residence permit is ready, you are required to personally send the envelope at any post office branch (“Poste Italiane”). The cost of the residence permit application, to be paid at the Post Office, is around €100.00.
The Post Office will issue 3 receipts, to prove your application for the residence permit, containing the following information:
- the date of the appointment at the Immigration Office for fingerprinting;
- the payment confirmation of the application;
- the username and password to check the status of your application on the following website: http://www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/view/15002/.
You should take care of these three sheets as they attest your regular stay in Italy until the police headquarters issues the actual residence permit card (it is recommended that you keep a photocopy in your wallet and leave the originals at home).
Once all the aforementioned procedures have been completed, non-EU citizens are required to send residence permit application receipt by emailing the Mobility Unit at erasmus.incoming@unipd.it. A colour scanned copy of each of the three sheets issued by the Post Office is required.
Step 7: Scholarship payment - Erasmus+ KA171 students ONLY
If the University of Padua manages your Erasmus scholarship, the Mobility Unit will advise you on how to open an online Europe bank account upon your arrival and you will receive the first payment in about 7-10 working days after you send the IBAN code to the Mobility Unit.
The full travel contribution and at least 70% of the individual support will be transferred to your new bank account no later than 40 days after your arrival.
At the end of your Erasmus stay you must notify the Mobility Unit of your exact final departure date and fill out the EU Survey for Erasmus+ beneficiaries that you will receive by email directly from the European Commission. The balance payment will be then transferred to your Italian bank account. The balance is calculated according to the exact number of days of your stay (1 day = €28,33).
You will receive the travel contribution regardless of the means of transportation you use and the travel cost.
You must purchase the travel ticket yourself.
The contribution to travel costs is based on the travel distance between your home University address and UNIPD. Travel distances are calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission.
- 100 - 499 km: €180 per participant
- 500 - 1999 km: €275 per participant
- 2000 - 2999 km: €360 per participant
- 3000 - 3999 km: €530 per participant
- 4000 - 7999 km: €820 per participant
- 8000 km or more: €1500 per participant
Relevant procedures - Erasmus IN
Erasmus+ for studies (homepage)
Before your arrival
On your arrival
During your stay
At the end of your stay
UniverCity life