At the end of your stay - Erasmus+ for Studies

  Step 1: Final survey

KA131 - Erasmus+ for Studies with Programme Countries, i.e. the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and United Kingdom.

Complete the MANDATORY final survey on your stay in Padua, by clicking on the link we will send you via email.
Once you submit the survey, please save the confirmation email and upload it in the "Certificate of Departure" request form (see step 2).

KA171: Erasmus+ for Studies with Partner Countries (all the other countries in the world).

Complete the 2 mandatory final surveys on your stay in Padua: one will be sent by email from, the other will be sent by email from the European Commission, which finances the Erasmus+ programme. Both surveys are mandatory. Once you submit both surveys, please save the confirmation emails and upload them in the "Certificate of Departure" request form (see step 2).

  Step 2: Certificate of Departure

To receive the Certificate of Departure, you must submit your request on Mobility Online. Access the online platform with your Unipd credentials and follow the steps in the section "End of the mobility". If the relevant buttons are not active, it means that there are some previous steps to complete.

To complete the departure step, type in the date of departure from Padua, upload the receipt of the final survey/s (see step 1) and upload your travel ticket.
The travel ticket can be any document attesting your departure from Padua (boarding pass, train or bus ticket, highway toll receipt, etc). The date reported on the ticket will be considered the end date of your Erasmus mobility.

In no case will we certify a later date than the end date of the semester (for example: the semester ends on 22nd July and your ticket reports 1st August as departure date, we will consider as final date of your mobility 22nd July). 

If you leave after the end of the term for academic reasons ONLY, please contact us ( A certificate attesting your stay in Padua will be sent to you via email.  If your Home University requires its own template/form to be signed, please upload it in the relevant step (only word or pdf formats are accepted).

ATTENTION In order to send the request, you have click on the button "Click here to request the certificate of attendance to be signed by Unipd and to confirm that you have finished your mobility at Unipd". If you do not complete this last step, your request will not be received by the office.

  Step 3: Transcript of Records

In order to request the Transcript of Records (Statement of Exams Results), you have to wait for ALL the exams to be registered in the Uniweb Booklet and only then, you can submit the online request.

You must submit your request in Mobility Online. Access the online platform with your Unipd credentials and follow the steps in the section "End of the mobility". If the relevant buttons are not active, it means that there are some previous steps to complete.

The Transcript of Records will be sent by email to the Home University, approximately in 2-4 weeks after the online request. If you want to receive the certificate to your email address instead, a revenue tax of 16€ is required. In such case, you should follow the procedure described here.

Thesis work: if you have done thesis research activities, you need to ask your supervisor at Unipd to fill out and sign the Short evaluation report for thesis work". >Download the template below. Once the form is signed, you should upload it in the Mobility Online portal under the end of the mobility section.

The Mobility Unit will check the document and ask the Student Office to register the credits in your Booklet in Uniweb. The options available for credits registration are: 6, 12, 18, 24 or 30 ECTS. You cannot choose a different amount of credits, because the thesis can be registered in the booklet only within this predetermined range.

You can’t defend your thesis at Unipd, as you are not graduating here, but at your Home University. At Unipd you can only carry out thesis work, such as research or laboratory activities.

Lab activities, training, seminars, partial exams> (so called moduli):
These activities cannot be registered in the online booklet on Uniweb and will not be listed in the final Transcript of Records. You need to ask the professor responsible for each individual activity to issue a certificate/declaration (for Medicine and Surgery students only: students should instead contact the Erasmus Office at the School of Medicine - via Giustiniani 2, Padova >

Relevant procedures - Erasmus IN

Erasmus+ for studies (homepage)
Before your arrival
On your arrival
During your stay
At the end of your stay
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