EduChef is a sustainable food education program aimed at first-year off-campus students enrolled in both undergraduate and graduate programs, who live independently and manage their daily nutrition on their own. The goal is to promote lifestyles oriented towards well-being and responsible consumption.
The project, which is essentially a cooking course, takes place at the beginning of the academic year and offers four editions each year, with 16 participants per edition. The lessons are held in Padua from Monday to Friday in the evening at cooking laboratories.
During the sessions, students have the opportunity to learn guidelines for managing their food pantry, as well as the necessary knowledge for the proper storage of fresh foods, kitchen safety, and the potential of a one-dish meal. They also receive training in the preparation of first courses, main courses, and desserts.
The initiative aims to spread awareness of the basic principles of healthy cooking, as well as increase awareness of the impact our food choices can have on the environment, communities, and individuals.
EDUCHEF 2023 starts on Monday March 6. EDUCHEF is organized by the University of Padua in collaboration with Ascom Padova - Accademia Arti e Mestieri Alimentari, Coop Alleanza 3.0 and Fairtrade Italia and it is promoted by Vice-Rector for Wellness and Sport, Prof. Antonio Paoli, with the Public Engagement Office of the University of Padua.
The course is intended for students living outside their original town, enrolled in the first year of a bachelor’s degree and a master degree.
EDUCHEF consists of four editions. Each edition consists of five workshops in the evening (from Monday to Friday), held by qualified chefs. Participants will have the opportunity to learn basic cooking techniques and discover the secrets of maintaining a healthy diet through the preparation of nutritious appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, baked goods and dessert. There are also some workshops aiming to raise student's awarness of sustainable supply chains and purchases.
The lessons will take place at the Accademia Arti e Mestieri Alimentari di Ascom Padova (Via Due Palazzi 43/a). Transportation to the Accademia is free, departing 30 min before the start of the lessons.
It is possible to register for only one of the scheduled editions:
- Edition 1: from 6 to 10 March;
- Edition 2: from 13 to 17 March;
- Edition 3: from 20 to 24 March;
- Edition 4: from 27 to 31March.
Each edition will have 16 participants (64 students in the four editions). The first 16 students to register for each edition will receive a confirmation, while others will be placed on a waiting list. The lessons are held in Italian.
A certificate of participation is issued at the end of each edition.
Info and registration: https://www.unipd.it/prenotazione-educhef
For more information please contact Public Engagement Office: benessere.sport@unipd.it, 049 827 3924-3850-3829.
EduChef online cooking lessons
EduChef online cooking lessons
- How to prepare “pezzentella”, with Stefania Autuori | EduChef
- How to prepare beetroot risotto, with Stefania Autuori | EduChef
- How to prepare a club sandwich, with Fabrizio Rivaroli | EduChef
- How to prepare a hamburger, with Fabrizio Rivaroli | EduChef
- How to prepare pumpkin barley risotto, with Cristina Biollo| EduChef| EduChef
- How to prepare “puntarelle romane” salad, with Cristina Biollo| EduChef
- How to prepare meatballs, with Alessandro Conte | EduChef
- How to prepare salmon burgers, with Alessandro Conte| EduChef