Culture and leisure: agreements
Subscribing to Corriere della Sera
All persons who are part of the academic community and have a Unipd email address can access one of the Corriere della Sera subscription offers:
- Digita+ gives access to the Corriere Digital Edition with all local editions and supplements from the Web, smartphones and tablets (euro 4.99 per month)
- Tutto+ offers unlimited access to Corriere della Sera: all site content, Corriere Digital Edition, the Historical Archive and exclusive content such as PrimaOra. Plus Corriere crosswords are included (euro 9.99 per month)
For further information, visit: https://abbonamenti.corriere.it/universita/
Museums, shows and cultural activities
Students at the theatre for 3 euros - An agreement with Teatro Stabile del Veneto
Universities at the Theatre is a project funded by ESU Padua and Venice, in partnership with the Teatro Stabile del Veneto and the Veneto Region. It allows students, PhD students and researchers to attend performances at Teatro Goldoni in Venice, at Teatro Verdi in Padua, and at Teatro Mario Del Monaco in Treviso with tickets costing euro 3.00.
To purchase UAT ‘University students at Theatre' tickets, go to the box office of the theatre where the performance will be staged, and show your ESU card or university badge. You can reserve your seat through the online booking service, collecting your ticket later from the ticket office.
For information: esuateatro@teatrostabileveneto.it
OPV Orchestra of Padua and Veneto
OPV offers special reductions for students at the University of Padua.
For further information: www.opvorchestra.it/biglietti-e-abbonamenti
Veneto Contemporanea 2024 – “Symphomaniac!”, the OPV festival dedicated to the music of the present which will be held in Padua from 28 April to 5 June 2024. Five events between music and popularization with some of the most appreciated performers and well-known musical popularizers in the spaces of Palazzo Liviano and the Botanical Garden.
Reduced price for students €1.00
Lower Arts Drama Review, until April 2024
The Lower Arts drama review is back at the multiplex MPX Multisala with must see shows starring renowned performers and highly topical shows.
There are reductions for students holding the Studiare a Padova Card.
Urban Art. Treviso, May 9 - June 30, 2024: In My Name
Unipd employees and students have the opportunity to access the international Urban Art exhibition at a reduced price of 10 euros per person instead of 16.
In Treviso from May 9 to June 30.
Details at the exhibition website
Reduced tickets at Don Bosco Cinema - season 2023-24
Every Tuesday the Sociocultural Youth Cinecircle at the Don Bosco Cinema offers a cineforum and re-exhibits a special reduced ticket for college students at €4.50.
Programming is online month by month at https://cgsdonbosco.it
Concentus Musicus Patavinus
The entire university community can join Concentus Musicus Patavin by choosing to be a part of the different groups that comprise it: Medieval Singing Choir, Chamber Choir, Large Choir, Classical Orchestra and Big Band Orchestra.
The activities, which take place on different days of the week, are linked to the beginning of the courses and conclude in July with performance events.
Participation is free of charge.