Double and Joint degree programmes

The University of Padua promotes joint or double degree programmes and guarantees ad hoc scholarships for participating students. Such international degree programmes are organised in cooperation with one or more partner institutions. A mobility period at the partner university is envisaged before or after attending a degree programme at the University of Padua.

Upon completion of the international programme, students will obtain a double degree (two or more national degrees issued by the partner universities) or a joint degree (jointly issued by two or more of the partner universities), in compliance with the different national rules and the agreements signed by the partner institutions.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal in partnership with the University of Padua, please contact

List of active programmes

Bachelor's Degrees

  Economics and International Management

Partner University: Clermont Business School (France)
Mobility period
: 3rd year
Title issued
: double (Laurea in Economia - L18; Diplome en Management International)
You can also visit the 
dedicated page on the Department’s website.

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Giulio Devalle, Double Degree Programme in Economics and International Management with Clermont Business School (France) 

  Economics and International Business Administration

Partner UniversityMontpellier Business School (France)
Mobility period
: 3rd year
Title issued
: double (Laurea in Economia - L18; Diplome en Management International des Affaires)
You can also visit the dedicated page on the Department’s website.

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Federico Cecchetto, Double Degree programme in Economics and International Business

  Materials Science and Engineering (applications open starting a.y. 2025-26)

Partner Universities: Université de Lorraine and Ecole européenne d'ingénieurs en génie des matériaux (France)
Mobility period: 3rd year of Bachelor’s degree + 1st year of Master’s degree + internship during the II semester of 2nd year of Master’s degree
Languages required: English and French
Titles issued: double degree – Bachelor’s level (Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali, classe L-9; Bachelor en Sciences de l’Ingénieur de l’EEIGM) and double degree – Master’s level (Laurea Magistrale in Materials Engineering, Classe LM-53; Titre d’Ingénieur de l’Ecole Européenne d’Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux de l’Université de Lorraine)
Information: Irene Calliari (Bachelor’s) and Alessandro Martucci (Master’s), Department of Industrial Engineering

  Scienze Psicologiche cognitive e psicobiologiche

Partner University: Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Mobility Period: 2nd year and additional 4th year
Language requirements: Spanish (B1 level)
Title issued: double (Laurea in Scienze Psicologiche cognitive e psicobiologiche, L-24 e Grado en Psicología – Ciencias de la Salud)
Information: professor Gianluca Campana, Department of General Psychology

Master's Degrees

  Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting

Partner University: Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College - The City University of New York (USA)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting – LM77; Master of Science in Finance)
You can also visit the dedicated page on the Department's website:

  Archaeological Sciences

Partner UniversityUniversité Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
Mobility period: III or IV semester (I or II semester of the 2nd year)
Language required: French
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Scienze archeologiche – LM-2; Master Mention Archéologie, Sciences pour l’Archéologie, Parcours “Archéométrie”)
InformationGilberto Artioli, Lara Maritan Department of Geosciences (please note that the Laurea Magistrale in Archaeological Sciences belongs to the Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music)

Partner University: University of Haifa (Israel) - not active for outgoing mobility in a.y. 2024-25
Mobility period: 2nd year, or only the III semester (I semester of the 2n year)
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Archaeological sciences, curriculum “Applied sciences to cultural heritage materials and sites” – LM-2; Master’s Degree in “Maritime Civilizations” MA)
InformationGilberto Artioli, Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Martina Naso, Double Degree Programme in Scienze Archeologiche - Archaeological Sciences with Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)

  Brain and Data Science (inactive for outgoing mobility for a.y. 2024-25 and a.y. 2025-26)

Partner University:: Bar-Ilan University (Israele)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Cognitive neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology, Classe LM-51; Master of Science Degree in Brain Science, Data Science track)
InformationMario Bonato, Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale - DPG

  Chemical Sciences

Partner UniversityJustus Liebig University Giessen (Germany)
Mobility period: second year
Language required
: English
Title issued
: double (Laurea magistrale in Scienze chimiche – LM54; Master of Science in Chemistry)
Information, Dipartiment of Chemical Sciences

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Eleonora Campi, Degree Programme in Chemical Sciences

  Crop and Soil

Partner University: University of Georgia (USA)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Sustainable Agriculture-LM69, Curriculum Crop and soil; Master of Science Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences with area of emphasis in Sustainable Agriculture)
Contact person: Francesco Morari, Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment

  Data Science

Partner University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Data Science – LM Data Science; Master in Data Science)
Contact person: 
Massimiliano de Leoni, Department of Mathematics

  Deutscher Idealismus und moderne europäische Philosophie - Idealismo tedesco e filosofia europea moderna

Partner University: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Germany)
Mobility period: 2nd and 3rd semester
Language required: German and Italian
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche-LM 78; Master of Arts in Philosophy)
Information: Luca Illetterati and Pierpaolo Cesaroni, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology

  Environmental Engineering

Partner university: Tinghua University, Pechino
Mobility period: second year
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale (Master's Degree) in Environmental Engineering, Classe LM-35; Master of Science in Environmental Science and Engineering)
Information: Roberto Raga, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Janneh Venicia Dukuly, Double Degree Programme Environmental Engineering with Tsinghua University Beijing (China)

  Études Françaises, Études Italiennes - Italianistica e Francesistica

Partner University: Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: French and Italian
Title issued: double (laurea Magistrale in Filologia Moderna-Francesistica e Italianistica LM14; Master Langues, littératures, civilisations étrangères et régionales - LLCER)
Information: Mr Pietro Ficarra,  Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Nicolas Bourdier, Double Degree Programme in Filologia Moderna, curriculum Francesistica e Italianistica

  European Studies

Partner University: Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Krakow (Poland)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Studi Europei-LM90; Magister na kierunku europeistyki , equivalent to a Master of European Studies).
Contact persons: Elena CalandriEkaterina Domorenok, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

  European and Global Studies

Partner UniversitySciences Po Grenoble (France)
Mobility Period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in European and Global Studies - LM90; Master Gouvernance européenne – Diplôme de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, Parcours Gouvernance européenne).
Contact personEkaterina Domorenok, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

  Génétique Moléculaire

Partner University: Université Paris-Cité (France)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Biologia- LM6, curriculum Génétique Moléculaire; Master 2 de Sciences Santé et Applications - mention "Génétique")
Information: Mauro A. Zordan, Department of Biology

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Saverio Fortunato
, Double Degree programme in Biologia molecolare - curriculum “Génétique Moléculaire” with Université Paris Cité

Andrea Zanon Double Degree Programme in Biologia molecolare - curriculum “Génétique Moléculaire” with Université Paris-Cité (France) 


Partner University: University of Bonn (Germany)
Mobility Period: 
I semester 2nd year, or the entire 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources, Classe LM-79; Master of Science in Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere).
Information: Giorgio Cassiani and Lara Maritan, Department of Geosciences

  International Biopharma

Partner UniversityManagement Center Innsbruck (Austria)
Mobility Period: second year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies LM-09; Master’s Degree in Biotechnologies)
Contact person
Barbara Gatto>/a>, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Asia Nicotra
Double Degree programme in International Biopharma with MCI Management Center Innsbruck (Austria)

  Internationals Relations

Partner University: University of Wrocław (Poland)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Human Rights And Multi-Level Governance - LM52; Dyplom magistra na kierunku stosunki międzynarodowe - Master’s Degree in International Relations).
Contact person: Paolo De Stefani, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Juliette Pelloux, Double Degree programme in Human rights and multi-level governance with Université Catholique de Lyon

Rebecca Manni, Double Degree Programme in Human Rights And Multi-Level Governance with Université Catholique de Lyon (France)

  Italian food and wine - alimenti e vini d'italia

Partner university: École supérieure d'agricultures d’Angers – ESA Angers (Francia)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea Magistrale (Master's Degree) in Italian Food and Wine – Alimenti e Vini d’Italia, classe LM-70; Master of Sciences and Technologie de l’Agriculture, de l’alimentation e de l’environment – Food Identity Track)
Information: Matteo Marangon, Department of Agronomy Food Natural resources Animals and Environment

  Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale (Arqus Multiple Master’s Degree Programme in Translation)

Università consorziate:
Universidad de Granada (Spagna) – coordinatore
Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (Francia)
Vilniaus universitetas (Lituania)
Universitetet i Bergen (Norvegia)

Periodo di mobilità: 2° anno - in base al track scelto
Lingua richiesta: in base al track scelto
Titolo rilasciato: doppio - laurea magistrale in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale,
oltre a uno dei seguenti titoli, in base al track prescelto:

- Máster Universitario en Traducción Profesional (Granada)
- Master Traduction et interprétation Parcours Métiers de la Rédaction et de la Traduction (Jean Monnet Saint Etienne)
- Humanitarinių mokslų magistro laipsnis. Studijų kryptis: vertimas (Vilnius)

Informazioni: docente Geneviève Henrot, Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari (DISLL)


Partner UniversityClermont Business School (France)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Management for Sustainable Firms – LM77; Diplome Master Grande Ecole, Master in Management)
You can also visit the dedicated page on the Department’s website.

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Filippo Simionato, Double Degree programme in Double Degree Programme in Business Administration with Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Clermont (France)

  Management dei servizi educativi e formazione continua

Partner University: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany)
Mobility period: 1st semester II year + (possibly) 2nd semester II year
Language requirements: German A2 level (to be obtained by the end of the 1st semester of II year) + English B2 level
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Management dei servizi educativi e formazione continua LM-50 LM-57, Master of Arts (M.A.) in Bildungswissenschaft, Fachspezifische Bestimmungen für das Studienfach Bildungswissenschaft)
InformationMonica Fedeli, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology

  MAPPA - Mathematical Analysis and Probability

Partner UniversityParis Dauphine (Francia)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required
: English
Title issued
: double (laurea magistrale in Matematica - LM40; Niveau Master en Mathématiques)
Contact person

  Material Sciences

Partner UniversityJustus Liebig University Giessen (Germany)
Mobility period: second year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Scienza dei materiali – LM53; Master of Science in Material Science), Dipartiment of Chemical Sciences

  Materials Science and Engineering (applications open starting a.y. 2025-26)

Partner Universities: Université de Lorraine and Ecole européenne d'ingénieurs en génie des matériaux (France)
Mobility period: 
3rd year of Bachelor’s degree + 1st year of Master’s degree + internship during the II semester of 2nd year of Master’s degree

Languages required: English and French
Titles issued: double degree – Bachelor’s level (Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali, classe L-9; Bachelor en Sciences de l’Ingénieur de l’EEIGM) and double degree – Master’s level (Laurea Magistrale in Materials Engineering, Classe LM-53; Titre d’Ingénieur de l’Ecole Européenne d’Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux de l’Université de Lorraine)

Information: Irene Calliari (Bachelor’s) and Alessandro Martucci (Master’s), Department of Industrial Engineering

  Mathematical Engineering

Partner University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spagna)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Mathematical Engineering; LM44; Master in Numerical Methods in Engineering)
Contact person: Mario Putti, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

  Mobility & Humanities (applications open starting a.y. 2025-26)

Partner University: Lancaster University (United Kingdom)
Mobility period: 2nd year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (laurea magistrale in Scienze Storiche – curriculum Mobility Studies; MA in Sociology or MA in Environment, Culture and Society, or MA in English Literary Studies)
Information: Paola Molino, Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World

  Molecular Medicine

Partner UniversityUlm University (Germany)
Mobility period: 2nd and 4th (optional) semester
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea magistrale in Medical Biotechnologies - LM9, curriculum Molecular Medicine; Master of Science in Molecular Medicine)
Contact persons: Sara Richter, Eleonora Turrini, Department of Molecular Medicine

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Christian Santangeli, Double Degree programme in Medical Biotechnologies, curriculum Molecular Medicine

Discover the stories of Unipd double degree graduates:
Laura Cristiani, Double Degree programme in Medical Biotechnologies, curriculum Molecular Medicine

  Telecommunication Engineering

Partner University: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
Mobility period: 2nd year + 1 semester
Language required: English
Title issued: double (ICT for Internet and multimedia - LM27; Master Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación)
Contact persons: Leonardo Badia, Department of Information Engineering

Partner UniversityNational Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Mobility period: second year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (ICT for Internet and multimedia - LM27; Master of Science in Communication Engineering)
Leonardo Badia, Department of Information Engineering

Single cycle degrees

  Single cycle degrees

Droits français et italien - Giurisprudenza
Partner University: Université Panthéon-Assas - Paris II (France)
Mobility period: 4th and 5th year
Language required: French and Italian
Title issued: double (Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza – LMG/01; Master en droits français et italien).
Contact person: Matilde Girolami, Department of Public, International and Community Law

Multilateral joint study programmes - Consortia

  ALGANT - International Integrated Master course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory

The ALGANT consortium consists of eight universities on four continents and offers a two-year world-class integrated master's course in pure mathematics, with strong emphasis on Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory. The consortium is coordinated by Université Bordeaux 1 (France). The other partners are : Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (France), Università di Milano (Italy), Concordia University (Canada), Chennai Mathematical Institute (India), Stellenbosch University (South Africa).

For information and application, please refer to:

  Master’s Programme in International Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence

Master’s Programme in International Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence
Mobility period: 1st semester at the University of Padua, 2nd semester at Vilnius University, 3rd semester at the University of Granada, 4th semester thesis preparation, graduation week at the University of Minho.
Language required: English (B2)
Title issued: Joint Master Degree in International Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence, issued by University of Granada, University of Minho, University of Padua and University of Vilnius
Info: Nicola Laurenti - Department of Information Engineering (DEI)
Dedicated page on Arqus website

Partner universities:
Universidad de Granada (Spain) – coordinator
Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Vilniaus universitetas (Lithuania)

  T.I.M.E. - Top Industrial Managers for Europe

T.I.M.E. is a network of 53 leading Engineering Schools and Faculties and Technical Universities which offers, through a system of voluntary bilateral agreements between its members, promotion and recognition of academic excellence and relevance to the international labour market in the form of Double Degrees in engineering and in related fields.
Students, chosen from amongst the best in their respective Universities, study for a total of between five and six years and are awarded two Masters-level Degrees from two different countries at the end of their study.
Through its double degree activities, T.I.M.E. promotes high-quality engineering education and produces graduates who are able to work transnationally and in trans-cultural environments.
For its students, T.I.M.E. develops qualities of (intellectual and physical) mobility, adaptability, openness and awareness of other cultures and realities, as well as giving an in-depth engineering education.
For its member institutions, T.I.M.E. encourages and promotes mutual academic recognition, provides opportunities for benchmarking and actively develops quality in higher education.
For employers, T.I.M.E. offers European engineers and managers trained to the highest level, adaptable, mobile, bi-cultural and bilingual: the Top Industrial Managers and Engineers of the future.

Currently, the University of Padova has specific agreements for the T.I.M.E. Project with the following partners:
Technical University of Denmark- DTU
École Centrale de Lille
École Centrale de Paris
École Centrale de Nantes
École Centrale de Lyon
École Centrale de Marseille
Instituto Superior Técnico - IST

Further information:

  Transfor-M: TRANSatlantic FORestry Master

TRANSFOR-M is a 2-year course-based Master program leading to double degrees in forestry and environmental management. It was originally funded under the Transatlantic Degree Partnership (TDP) Program by the European Commission and the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) from 2010 to 2014; this project was a follow-up of the highly successful EU and HRSDC funded TRANSFOR project (2005-2008). TRANSFOR-M student exchange continues without funding by EC and HRSDC.

TRANSFOR-M students are educated in modern sustainable forestry and environmental management approaches that are sensitive to cultural and situational differences. They acquire an enhanced global view that accommodates multi-cultural perspectives about environmental, economic and cultural issues.

Students may choose from a number of both thesis-based or course-based Master's programs of the participating departments and faculties. Each student will spend one year in Canada and one year in Europe in an English-language Master program.

Students will pay to their home institution full tuition fees and all other mandatory and required fees associated with full-time registration in the graduate program to which they have been admitted at the home institution during their exchange. When studying at the partner institution students will pay no application or tuition fees at the host university (except, if required, other mandatory fees).

Partner universities in Europe:

Partner universities in Canada:

Mobility period: second year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (at UniPD, Laurea Magistrale in Forest Science – LM/73).
Contact person: Prof. Raffaele Cavalli and Ms Silvia Rettore, Dep. Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry

International Doctorate programmes

  Funding opportunities

The University of Padua, through the International Relations Division, supports outgoing students under double degree bilateral agreements with funding.

Grants are given to students shortlisted for the call for applications for Double Degrees, according to the ranking list and until all funds are allocated. Departmental funding, if available, may be added to the grants.