Archivio news


The Universities of Padua and Oradea will sign a Memorandum of Understanding for academic and scientific cooperation


Our Rector, prof. Rosario Rizzuto, will welcome the delegation from the University of Oradea (Romania), led by prof. Constantin Bungau, Rector of this University, on Monday 11 November at Palazzo Bo. On this occasion, the two Rectors will sign a Memorandum of Understanding

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MMSchool: the first Padua International School of Physics of the Universe


The Asiago Astronomical Observatory is the location for first Padua International School of Physics of the Universe, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DFA) which takes place take from 14 to 23 January 2020. Astronomical Observatory from 14 to 23 January 2020. This first edition is focused on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics.

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Arqus Alliance: the Rectors of the seven universities sign the partnership agreement


The Rectors of the seven universities involved in the Arqus Alliance, Padua, Bergen, Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon and Vilnius, sign the partnership agreement. The Arqus Alliance is one of the seventeen selected for funding by the European Commission in the first pilot round of this new flagship initiative within the Erasmus+ programme.

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Pan-European Internet Quantum Hackaton 2019


The University of Padua is one of the six nodes of the Pan-European Internet Quantum Hackaton 2019 which takes place on 5 and 6 November simultaneously in six nodes across Europe. The goal of this hackathon is to develop some of the first applications that use quantum mechanics to secure their online communications.

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Colloquia Patavina: What has rough paths got to do with data science


Terence John Lyons, mathematician and professor at the Oxford University, holds the conference 'What has rough paths got to do with data science' within the Colloquia Patavina which represents a series of lectures in all areas of mathematics and computer science.

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