Regione Veneto scholarships
Call for application for Regione Veneto scholarships A.Y. 2024-25
Rankings for Regione Veneto scholarships
Steps to Apply for the Scholarship
A. Complete and confirm the Request for Benefits (RdA) on Uniweb (this also applies to those enrolling during the academic year);
B. Request the issuance of the ISEE/ISEE Parificato (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation) for subsidized services for university study rights (this also applies to those enrolling during the academic year);
C. Finalize enrollment for the academic year 2024/25 by paying the first installment of the tuition fees (by September 30 or, for first-year students, by the date indicated in the admission notice). Failure to complete any of the above steps correctly will result in exclusion from the competition.
The Request for Benefits, saved in your personal area on UNIWEB, constitutes the sole proof of submission of the application; therefore, it is recommended to ensure its presence.
ISEE Parificato
for international students (EU and EXTRA-EU)
It is a different certification required for:
- international students residing abroad (outside Italy), with a household residing abroad (outside Italy);
- international students residing in Italy, but with earned income of less than € 9,000.00 and with a household residing abroad (outside Italy)
- Italian students residing abroad (outside Italy), enrolled or not in the Italian Register of Residents Abroad (AIRE). Issuance of the ISEE Parificato certificate must be requested exclusively from the CAF affiliated with the University, the details of which may be viewed at www.unipd.it/en/isee
"ISEE Parificato" is an official certificate which indicates your financial standing in any given year on the basis of family status, earnings, property and expenses. You will need to provide information and documentation regarding you and your family’s annual income and assets.
Please be aware that you might need several months to collect the documents required to obtain the ISEE Parificato, have them translated and legalised, etc. We therefore strongly recommend to start the process as soon as possible.
The ISEE Parificato calculation service is free of charge and must be requested from the CAF that has an agreement with the University and ESU:
CAF CIA Padova
For information: caf-iseeunipd@ciapadova.it
How to obtain the "ISEE Parificato"
You can find the list of the documents useful for the release of the ISEE Parificato in the guide below. Documents must be uploaded to the portal of the CAF, available at the following link: https://unipd.01s.it (those who were not registered, should select "Not a member yet," fill in the form with the required data and wait to receive the confirmation email before logging in).
Other ways of document delivery are not accepted.
Who can apply and others requirements
Applicants who meet the following criteria may apply:
a. Enrolled for the first time in the first year of a bachelor's degree/master's degree/single-cycle master's degree program;
b. Enrolled in subsequent years of a bachelor's degree/master's degree/single-cycle master's degree program (those who obtain a bachelor's degree after the deadline of this call and intend to enroll in a master's degree during the year may also apply, provided they comply with the same procedures and deadlines specified in the call);
c. Enrolled in a doctoral program, if not already receiving another scholarship.
Students can compete for the scholarship for a different number of years or semesters depending on the course of study, as indicated in the call.
Excluded from eligibility are students:
- Already holding a degree, obtained in Italy or abroad, at the same or higher level than the current course of study;
Who have received a scholarship for a previous course of study at the same level as the current enrollment and have not returned the benefit received.
Economic and merit-based requirements vary depending on the category of applicants. Applicants must meet both income requirements (ISEE below 26,306.25 euros and ISPE below 42,192.96 euros) and merit requirements, as specified in the call. To meet the minimum merit requirements, a bonus is applied in addition to the credits actually earned. The bonus is not provided for part-time students and for those enrolling in a master's degree program starting from the 2023/2024 cohort, whose qualifying degree was obtained abroad.
Additional information and useful documents
Students enrolled in the first year of their study programs receive the scholarship in two installments:
- The first installment of the scholarship by December 2024.
- The second installment by the month following the achievement of 20 ECTS credits, on a monthly basis starting from March (in any case, the 20 ECTS credits must be achieved by August 10).
Students enrolled in subsequent years and in doctoral programs receive the scholarship in a single installment by December 2024.
The scholarships are awarded partly in cash and partly in services (accommodation and meals).
FAQ on Regione Veneto scholarship for international students
Student Services Office - Economic benefits
via del Portello 19, 35129 Padova
Call centre tel. 049.8273131 (from 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM)
The Student Services Office is open to the public every day during office hours.
Opening hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Thursdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fridays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.