Quality Assurance System

Since 2013, the University has established its own quality assurance system, consistent with the guidelines provided by ANVUR. Quality is pursued dynamically through circuits of connection between self-assessment, evaluation, and accreditation, in which structural components, management bodies, skills, resources, and organizational processes synergistically converge. All actors are involved within common visions and values, shared practices, and representations, while promoting organizational improvement processes and transformative developments for individuals and communities.

Particular attention is given to promoting a culture of quality within all components of the university community – faculty, students, and technical-administrative staff – through activities of information, sharing, and maximum involvement. The system's configuration includes the activities of bodies specifically tasked with carrying out functions within the quality assurance process: the accreditation and evaluation groups for study programs - GAV (at the study program level); the joint faculty-student commissions - CPDS (at the school level); the University Evaluation Unit; and the University Quality Assurance Office (at the central level).

Programming and Strategic Documents

Ufficio Assicurazione Qualità

(support office)

Settore Qualità di sistema
Tel. +39 049 8273305  / +39 049 8273227
e-mail: assicurazione.qualita@unipd.it