Halls and spaces of the University: how to apply for their use
The University allows the temporary and occasional use of classrooms, premises, spaces, and representative halls for cultural, educational, and scientific initiatives and activities.
To request their use, please refer to the procedures outlined in the respective regulations.
Institutional spaces
Palazzo del Bo
- Aula Magna “Galileo Galilei” (330 seats)
- Archivio Antico (90 seats)
- Sala delle Colonne detta Basilica (350 standing places)
- Aula I. Nievo (130 seats)
- Aula E (150 seats)
- Aula L (99 seats)
- Aule Giurisprudenza (da 20 a 160 seats depending on the classroom)
- Cortile Antico
- Cortile Nuovo
Sala dei Giganti (da 199 a 450 seats, places depending on the time)
Teatro Ruzante (202 seats)
Centro Papa Luciani (aule PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5: da 90 a 130 seats depending on the classroom)
Complesso Beato Pellegrino
- Aula Magna (250 seats)
- aule didattiche (da 26 a 224 seats depending on the classroom)
Details on capacities, services, and costs are available on the Utilizzo degli spazi dell'Ateneo page.
To request these spaces, please contact the Communications Office via email at cerimoniale@unipd.it or by phone at +39 049 8271543 / 1551.
All stated capacities of the spaces and premises refer to the maximum capacity permitted, without the limitations set by current regulations related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The capacity of the rooms may also vary depending on the type of activity requested and is subject to compliance with current safety and public event regulations.
Botanical Garden and Villa Bolasco Park spaces
To request the use of the following rooms, please refer to the procedures indicated on the Botanical Garden website.
Botanical Garden (Auditorium, Sala Colonne, Ground floor foyer, First floor foyer, Terrace, Garden in front of the greenhouses)
Villa Parco Bolasco (Sala delle Feste, Meeting rooms, Cavallerizza, Noble Courtyard)
To request these spaces, please consult the procedures indicated on the Botanical Garden website and contact the Permanent Events Office at eventi@ortobotanicopd.it.