Interdisciplinary teachings archive

  The impact of my research: bridging knowledge to people needs

The course aims to create awareness in researchers of the importance of their work for changing people's lives using an approach that actively engages them in identifying the unique innovation potential of their research and matching it to people's needs.
The course is multidisciplinary and uses cross-sectorial teams to mimic the process of industrial innovation. During class hours, students learn the ropes of the key steps of the technology transfer process as teams, but at the end of each lesson, students are given an individual assignment to ground what they have learned to their own research, to present, at the end of the course, a pitch with Technology Transfer experts and investors to unveil its innovation potential.

Date: 4, 11, 18 ottobre 2024 - 14.00-17.30
Room: Aula 2H Geoscienze
Teaching language: Inglese
Registration: soon available

  Science communication and knowledge valorization: practices and tools - october-december 2024

The course, born from the collaboration between the University of Padua and Venice International University – VIU, will offer to the participants the awareness, knowledge and tools useful to effectively communicate the results of scientific research, addressing different categories of audiences, through different media.
The planned activities will be held in English by experts in public speaking, visual communication, social media, and journalism.
It consists of two modules, which include educational lectures and in-depth workshops on specific topics; attendance of the activities allows students to acquire two (2) training credits. The course is aimed at doctoral students enrolled in the second and third year.

Date: 23/10, 28/10, 05/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11 11/12
Room: Complesso Paolotti, aula P2B
Teaching language: English
Enrollment: Soon available

Doctoral Degrees - PhD Office

via Martiri della Libertà, 8 - 35137
Ground mail: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova
tel. +39 049 827 8978
Telegram channel

Public opening hours: Monday: 10-13, Tuesday 10–13 and 15–16.30, Wednesday: 10–13, Thursday: 10–15, Friday: 10-13

We recommend accessing the front office preferably by reservation, by booking an appointment at the following link and following the instructions on the screen.