Housing facilities

International visiting professors, researchers and scholars, staying in Padua for short or long terms, can find below a list of suitable accommodation of different types: University guesthouses, private residences, B&Bs, hotels.

  University Guesthouses

Via Marzolo 14
Tel: +39 049.8275047
Email: gini@unipd.it 

Fondazione Gini c/o La Nave
Via Portello 15
Tel: +39 049.8275047
Fax: +39 049.776406
Email: gini@unipd.it

  Temporary accommodation at ESU "foresterie"

ESU welcomes international guests, primarily from non-EU countries, to Padua. These guests are typically associated with the academic world and are travelling for study, teaching, or research purposes. The facilities are modern and well-equipped, located near the main university campuses and conveniently connected to the city centre.

The accommodation options range from rooms to suites, with weekly or monthly stay formulas, up to a maximum of 6 months. Additional services, which may vary by location, are designed to ensure a comfortable stay and include reception, Internet connection, laundry, and much more.

The ESU foresterie are located at the Agripolis campus in Legnaro, and in Padua at the Copernico, Luzzatti, and Villa Liberty "foresterie".


Several places are available in the University residence hall "Copernico" from August until September, for students wishing to arrive before the beginning of classes. 

The cost for the full month is:
- single room 350 Euros 
- double room 290 Euros

Priority will be given to requests covering the entire period but applications for arrivals planned later than the 26th of August are also accepted. 
Places will be assigned in order of request.

The University residence hall "Copernico" is located in via Tiepolo n 54 (10 minutes walk away from the main squares) and it offers single bedrooms with adjoining bathroom (2 rooms sharing a bathroom). 

In order to book the temporary accommodation it is necessary to:

  • pay the whole amount. Reimbursements are allowed only for cancellations occurred no later than 15 days before the planned check in date
  • register on the ESU website and fill out the summer accommodation form, following the instructions provided in the document enclosed.


All international staff can search for private accommodation on HousingAnywhere, an international housing platform. Through HousingAnywhere they can safely book their new accommodation, offered by verified private landlords.

To receive an UniPd VIP profile and priority access to the listings: https://www.unipd.it/housinganywhere-pd-en
For more information: vip@housinganywhere.com

Please find below a list of accommodation facilities near the main University buildings. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and the University of Padua is not responsible for the policies of private accommodation.

  Private Guesthouses

Casa a colori
via del Commissario 42 - Padova
Tel. +39 049.680332 - fax 049.8826053

Casa di accoglienza Lucia Valentini Terrani
via G. De’ Menabuoi 64 - Padova
Tel. 049 8646500 - fax  049 8640046

  Private Residences

Residence La Fenice Padova centro
Via Leoni 16 - Padova
Tel. +39 049 8754322  - mobile +39 393 9073097 - fax +39 049 8754322

Residenza La Specola
Riviera Paleocapa 74/76 - Padova
Tel +39 049.9900124

Residenza Magnolia
Via del Santo 77 - Padova
Tel +39 049.9900124


Hotels in PADOVA

Hotels ****

Hotel Europa (City Centre - Piazze)
Largo Europa, 9
Phone: +39 049 661200
Fax: +39 049 661508
E-mail: info@hoteleuropapd.it

Hotel Galileo (Trade Fair area)
Via Venezia, 30
Phone: +39 049 770222
Fax: +39 049 7800762
E-mail: galileo.pd@bestwestern.it

Hotel NH Padova (Trade Fair area)
Via Tommaseo, 61
Phone: +39 049 8494111
Fax:+39 049 8494444
E-mail: prenotazioni@nh-hotels.com

Hotel Majestic Toscanelli (City Centre - Piazze)
Via dell'Arco, 2
Phone: +39 049 663244
Fax: +39 049 8760025
E-mail: majestic@toscanelli.com

Hotel Methis (City Centre - Specola)
Riviera Paleocapa, 70
Phone: +39 049 8725555
Fax: +39 049 8725135
E-mail: info@methishotel.com


  • Double room 125,00 euro
  • Double room single use 95,00 euro

Rates are valid until December 31st 2018
Cancellation Policy: 24h in advance

Hotels ***

B&B Hotel Padova (Trade Fair area)
Via del Pescarotto, 39
Phone: +39 049 7800233
Fax: +39 049 776795
E-mail: padova@hotelbb.com


  • Double room single use 49,00-52,00 euro
  • Double room 54,00-59,00 euro

Rates are valid until 31 December 2018
Cancellation Policy: 24h in advance

Hotel Corso (Railway station area)
Corso del Popolo, 2
Phone: +39 049 8750822
Fax: +39 049 661576
E-mail: info@hotelcorsopadova.it


  • Single room 60,00 euro
  • Double room  70,00-120,00 euro
  • Triple room 85,00-130,00 euro

Rates are valid until 31 December 2018
Cancellation Policy: 24h in advance

Hotel Donatello (City Centre - Basilica Sant'Antonio)
Via Del Santo, 102/104
Phone: +39 049 8750634
Fax: +39 049 8750829
E-mail: info@hoteldonatello.net


  • Double room 110,00 euro
  • Double room single use 90,00 euro

Rates are valid until 31 December 2018
Cancellation Policy: 24h in advance

Hotel Giotto (City Centre - Basilica Sant'Antonio)
P.le Pontecorvo, 33
Phone: +39 049 8761845
Fax: +39 049 662677
E-mail: info@hotelgiotto.com


  • Double room 79,00 euro
  • Double room single use 69,00 euro
  • Single room 59,00 euro

Facilities/rooms for disabled available
Rates are valid until 31 December 2018
Cancellation Policy: 24h in advance

Hotel Igea (Hospital area)
Via Ospedale, 87
Phone: +39 049 8750577
Fax: +39 049 660865
E-mail: info@hoteligea.it


  • Single room  63,00 euro
  • Double room 85,00 euro
  • Double room single use 75,00 euro
  • Triple room 105,00 euro 

Rates are valid until December 31st 2018
Cancellation Policy: 24h in advance

Hotel M14 (City Centre - Prato della Valle)
Via Acquette, 9
Phone: +39 049 8762011
E-mail: info@hotelm14.it

Hotel S. Antonio (City Centre - Piazze)
Via S. Fermo, 118
Phone: +39 049 8751393
Fax: +39 049 8752508
E-mail: info@hotelsantantonio.it

Hotels near AGRIPOLIS Campus (Legnaro - PD)

Hotels ****

Hotel Marconi
Via G. Marconi, 186, 35020 Ponte San Nicolò PD
Phone: +39 049 896 1422

Hotels ***

Ristorante AB Baretta
Via Roma, 33, 35020 Legnaro PD
Phone: +39 049 883 0392

Albergo Diana
Via Romea, 136, 35020 Legnaro PD
Phone: +39 049 641227

La Posa degli Agri
Via Orsaretto, 4, 35020 Polverara PD
Phone: +39 049 977 2532

Hotel Volta
Via Stradella Antonio Zacco, 20, 35127 Padova PD
Phone: +39 049 295 3337

Hotels near VILLA REVEDIN BOLASCO (Castelfranco Veneto - TV)

Hotels ****

Best Western Albergo Roma
Via Fabio Filzi 39 Castelfranco Veneto TV
Phone: +39 0423 721616

Hotel Alla Torre
Piazza Trento e Trieste 7 Castelfranco Veneto TV
Phone: +39 0423-498707

Albergo Al Moretto
Via S. Pio X 10 Castelfranco Veneto TV
Phone: +39 0423 721313

Hotel Fior
Via dei Carpani 18 Castelfranco Veneto TV
Phone: +39 0423 721212

Hotels ***

Hotel Alla Speranza
Borgo Vicenza 13 Castelfranco Veneto TV
Phone: +39 0423 494480



Al Santo
via Sanmicheli 13 - Padova
Tel. and fax +39 049.8750267

La Barchessa del Centro
via Aleardi 12 - Padova
Mobile +39 339.6909248 - fax +39 049.8755725

via Aleardi 35 - Padova
Tel.: +39 049.9816086 - mobile +39 339.7892486

B&B near AGRIPOLIS Campus (Legnaro - PD)

B&B Il Centralino
Via Gioacchino Rossini, 39, 35020 Legnaro PD
Phone: +39 049 790554

B&B La Sosta
Via Montelungo, 16, 35020 Ponte San Nicolò PD
Phone: +39 349 369 5172


B&B near VILLA REVEDIN BOLASCO (Castelfranco Veneto - TV)

B&B Otium Negotium
Via San Pio X 88 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone: +39 331-3487013 +39 339 5453411