Specific entry requirements for qualifications awarded by non-Italian education systems
If you apply for admission to the degree programmes of the University of Padua and you hold a qualification of a non-Italian education system, you should check whether the qualification (already obtained or about to be obtained) allows you to access the degree programme you would like to apply for. See the list in the attachment section below.
The following information is provided for reference only and does not aim to be totally comprehensive: thus prospective students can apply also if their country is not listed here. The information is updated periodically, according to modifications or reforms that may take place in the different foreign education systems. The decision on whether the qualification submitted complies with the requirements and allows access to the degree programme to which you applied for admission rests with the Admissions & Welcome Unit.
Deadlines for submitting the qualification
You can apply for admission even though you have not yet obtained the qualification granting you access to the degree programme you are applying for. The deadlines for completing the study cycle/graduating are the following:
- 31st July for limited access degree programmes;
- 31st August for open access degree programmes.
Admission to Single-cycle degree programmes may be subject to different deadlines.
Candidates may also submit a certification other than the final qualification as long as it provides evidence of completion of the study cycle by the above-mentioned deadlines and is officially issued by the authority entrusted by the educational institution awarding the qualification.
Global Engagement Office - Recruitment Unit
Palazzo Anselmi
Lungargine del Piovego 1 - 35131 Padova
For academic related information, please contact the programme coordinator/secretariat
tel. +39 0498273131