Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA DN)
The MSCA Doctoral Networks aim to train creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient doctoral candidates, able to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. Moreover, the action aims at making doctoral training in Europe excellent and more attractive. Key aspect of the action is the international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.
Who can apply?
Partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socioeconomic actors submit the proposal. The partnership will propose a network for research training.
The consortium must consist of at least three independent legal entities, each established in a different Member State (MS) or Associated Country (AC) with the minimum of 1 beneficiary from a MS.
The duration of each fellowship (on the basis of full-time employment) is minimum 3 and maximum 36 months. EU funding covers up to 360 person/months. Specific provisions apply for the following types of consortium:
- Industrial Doctorates: at least one of the three independent legal entities of the consortium must be from the academic sector and at least one must come from the non-academic sector. Doctoral candidates must spend at least 50% of their fellowship duration in the non-academic sector. The EU contribution is up to 540 person/months.
- Joint Doctorates: at least three independent legal entities must be entitled to award doctoral degrees. At least two of the institutionsconferring a joint, double or multiple doctoral degree must be established in an EU.
Member State and/or Horizon Europe Associated Country. Doctoral candidates must be enrolled in at least two doctoral Programme. The EU contribution is up to 540 person/months.
What can be funded?
The funding covers:
- the employment salary (living allowance) of doctoral candidates for up to three years. At UNIPD, doctoral canidates are employed through a type-B research grant (assegno di ricerca di tipo B);
- all doctoral candidates shall receive a mobility allowance and, if eligible, a family allowance too;
- research, training and networking contribution, handled by the Host Institution;
- management and indirect contribution for the Host Institution.
The maximum duration of a DN project is 4 years.
How to apply?
Further information can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/actions/doctoral-networks
For information about the support provided by the University of Padua, please write to individual.grants@unipd.it.
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