Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the eighth European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, running from 2014 to 2020. With a budget of around € 80 billion, the programme aims at supporting research and innovation in science and technology in the European Union, financing highly competitive research projects through open call for proposals.
Horizon 2020 consists of three main research areas that are referred to as “pillars”. The first pillar, “Excellent Science”, focuses on basic science, both by funding the most brilliant researchers and scientists who propose ground breaking ideas at the frontiers of knowledge, and by attracting the best researchers through transnational and inter-sectorial mobility. The second pillar, “Industrial Leadership”, aims at enhancing the European industrial sector competitiveness through the development of breakthrough technologies. The third pillar, “Societal Challenges”, finances the most effective solutions to tackle current socio-economic problems.
Horizon 2020 - structure and budget (PDF)
The main purpose of the programme is to strongly improve innovation in these three main sectors – science, industry, society. It provides grants to research projects whose impact may lead to the economic growth of the EU as a whole and to a more sustainable development. The programmes support projects and ideas that can respond to current societal problems in the most efficient way and pursue the best achievements for the well-being of EU citizens.
- Pillar 1: Excellent Science
- Pillar 2: Industrial Leadership
- Pillar 3: Societal Challenges
- Cross-cutting activities and other funding instruments
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