Friends of the University of Padova Association
Founded 5 December 1989, the Association known as the Friends of the University of Padova seeks to promote and develop a permanent bond between the worlds of business, enterprise and manufacture, the University, and former students who have brought honour to the institution through their work and professional activity.
To this end, the Association proposes, promotes and offers support — including financial support — for a range of initiatives within the sphere of the University: research and teaching programs; scientific, cultural and organizational gatherings; actions for the preservation, restoration, enhancement and growth of movable assets (teaching and scientific equipment included); actions designed to benefit deserving students and young scholars, as well as awards and other recognitions for university staff members and graduates at the University of Padova; initiatives of the Galilean School; and all other initiatives designed to achieve the general aims described.
Among other activities, thanks to the efforts of the Association, 1999 saw the start of restoration work on the coffered ceiling of the Hall of the Giants in the Palazzo Liviano, whilst the restoration of the great staircase to the Hall was completed early in 2003.
As part of the corporate tradition maintained by the University, the Association helps to keep alive the custom of the Osella medallion, presented by the Rector to teaching staff at Christmas time.
The Association has members of every description — natural and legal persons, sundry types of businesses, institutes, public and private bodies, ex-alumni of the University graduated at least 10 years previously, and ex-alumni of the Galilean School — who have brought honour to the institution through their work and professional activity. The assets of the Association, which is a non-profit concern, consist in subscriptions, members contributions, proceeds deriving from activities of the Association, and donations or bequests from members or third parties.