Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training
Non-teaching staff of the University of Padua is given the opportunity to carry out training activities/job shadowing abroad at a partner University. The aim is to promote cultural and social enrichment, and to foster the exchange of skills and, especially, of administrative procedures and good practices.
For more information about the Calls, please check the Italian website
Europe (KA103)
The Erasmus+ Programme KA103 supports non-teaching staff with mobility grants for periods to spend at higher education institutions in European Programme Countries, provided that an inter-institutional agreement is in place between the University of Padua and the receiving institution abroad for the relevant year.
Who can apply: technical and administrative staff of the University of Padua
Duration of the mobility: minimum 2 days - maximum 2 months (excluding travel time).
Grant: according to the tables of the Erasmus+ Programme. It varies according to the travel distance between the University of Padua and the receiving institution, the living costs in the destination country and the duration of the stay. It may also be supplemented by the University.
How to apply: application procedure on-line. The applications are assessed by a dedicated committee, and priority is given to applicants who have never benefited from an Erasmus+ grant for Training before. Applications will be selected by analysing the activities schedule (Staff Mobility for Training Mobility Agreement) in which objectives, expected outcomes, and activities are detailed. In the Mobility Agreement the activities to carry out abroad must be consistent with the work tasks performed by the applicant, and the possible effects of such experience on the University of Padua must also be explained. The Mobility Agreement must be signed by the applicant, the head of the university facility, and a representative of the receiving institution.
Closing date for applications: the call for applications is usually published each year in November or December. The closing date for applications is in January and February of the following year. Given the Covid-19 emergency, one single call for applications for a.y. 2020/2021 will be published by the end of 2020.
Mobility end date: by 30 September of the calendar year following the one in which the relevant Erasmus year began
Outside Europe (KA107)
The Erasmus+ Programme KA107 supports staff with mobility grants for training activities/job shadowing at higher education institutions in non-European Programme Countries, provided that an inter-institutional agreement is in place between the University of Padua and the receiving institution abroad for the relevant year.
Who can apply: technical and administrative staff of the University of Padua; teaching staff, including adjunct professors, of the University of Padua
Duration of the mobility: minimum 5 days - maximum 2 months (excluding travel time).
Grant: according to the tables of the Erasmus+ Programme. It varies according to the travel distance between the University of Padua and the receiving institution, and the duration of the stay.
How to apply: applications must be submitted on-line, using the credentials provided by the Projects and Mobility Office. The applications are assessed by a dedicated committee. The staff members under the subject area covered by the inter-institutional agreement in place with the partner university are given priority in the selection process.
Closing date for applications: the call for applications is usually published each year in November or December. The closing date for applications is in January and February of the following year.
Mobility end date: by 31 July of the last calendar year of the three-year period financed by the Programme KA107.
Info: Nicola Benfatto - 049 8277471; nicola.benfatto@unipd.it
Staff of Partner Universities is given the opportunity to carry out training activities/job shadowing at the University of Padua. The aim is to promote cultural and social enrichment, and to foster the exchange of skills and, especially, of administrative and laboratory procedures and good practices.
For more information about the Calls, please check the Italian website
Europe (KA103)
The Erasmus+ Programme KA103 supports staff of partner institutions located in Programme Countries with mobility grants for training activities/job shadowing in Padua, provided that an inter-institutional agreement is in place between the institution and the University of Padua for the relevant year, and by prior invitation of a teaching staff member of the University of Padua. Mobility grants are directly provided by the sending institution abroad.
Who can participate: staff of partner universities located in a Programme Country.
Duration of the mobility: minimum 1 day - maximum 2 months (excluding travel time).
Grant: according to the tables of the Programme. It varies according to the travel distance between the University of Padua and the receiving institution, and the duration of the stay.
How to apply: please refer to the application procedures set forth by the sending university abroad.
Outside Europe (KA107)
The Erasmus+ Programme KA107 supports staff of partner institutions located in Partner Countries (non-EU) with mobility grants for training activities/job shadowing in Padua, provided that an inter-institutional agreement is in place between the institution and the University of Padua for the relevant year, and by prior invitation of a teaching staff member of the University of Padua.
Who can participate: staff of partner universities located in a Partner Country
Duration of the mobility: minimum 5 days - maximum 2 months (excluding travel time).
Grant: according to the tables of the Programme. It varies according to the travel distance between the University of Padua and the receiving institution, and the duration of the stay.
How to apply: the inviting teaching staff member of the University of Padua must apply on-line, using the credentials provided by the Projects and Mobility Office. The applications are assessed by a dedicated committee. The staff members under the subject area covered by the inter-institutional agreement in place with the partner university are given priority in the selection process.
Closing date for applications: the call for applications is usually published each year in November or December. The closing date for applications is in January and February of the following year.
Mobility end date: by 31 July of the last calendar year of the two-year or three-year period financed by the Programme KA107.
Info: Samira Bonucci - +39 049 8276353; international.partnerships@unipd.it