Euraxess - Researchers in Motion
Euraxess – Researchers in Motion is a unique initiative, launched by the European Commission to promote research careers and facilitate the mobility of researchers across Europe.
EURAXESS develops its activities under the following 4 key initiatives:
Euraxess Jobs helps researchers to find jobs and funding opportunities, and offers research organisations (both public and private) to publish their adverts and look for the best talent to recruit. All is free of charge.
Euraxess Rights gives information on Researchers’ Rights (European Charter and Code) and on its implementation mechanism, the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.
Euraxess Services is a network of over 500 people in 40 European countries assisting researchers and their families, and providing them with practical information on their stay in another country.
Euraxess Links is a virtual network to connect European researchers overseas
The University of Padova is one of the Local Contact Points (LoCP) of EURAXESS.
The LoCP:
- provides assistance to researchers coming to or leaving the University of Padua
- offers support on matters with mainly a local dimension
- keeps in contact with the researchers and/or their families
e-mail: euraxess@unipd.it
International Research Office | Individual grants team
via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padova, Italy
Tel. +39 049.827 1944 / 1945
fax +39 049.827 1911