Erasmus+ Individual Visiting Professional Staff (KA103 and KA107)
The Erasmus+ Programme offers mobility grants to staff members of:
European partner universities (KA103)
If you are a technical-administrative staff member of a European University partnered with UniPd and would like to carry out training activities/job shadowing at our University, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant to cover the costs of your stay. Contact your home University for more details and information on how to apply.
Non-European partner universities (KA107)
If you are a technical-administrative staff member of a non-European University that signed an inter-institutional agreement with UniPd under the Erasmus+ Programme KA107 and would like to carry out training activities/job shadowing at our University, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant.
Duration of the mobility: minimum 5 days - maximum 2 months (excluding travel time)
Grant: as per Programme’s tables. It varies according to the travel distance between the University of Padua and the sending institution, and the duration of the stay.
How to apply: the lecturer of the University of Padua must apply on-line, using the credentials provided by the Projects and Mobility Office. The applications are assessed by a dedicated committee. The staff members of the subject area covered by the inter-institutional agreement in place with the partner university are given priority in the selection process.
Closing date for applications: the call for applications is usually published in November or December each year. The closing date for applications is in January and February of the following year.
Mobility end date:by 31 July of the last calendar year of the two- or three-year period financed by the Programme KA107.
Call for applications (in Italian) and forms
Projects and Mobility Office
International Relations Division
Palazzo Anselmi
Lungargine del Piovego 1 - 35131 Padua, Italy