
The life of the University is interwoven with a series of social, cultural, and sports associations and institutions, which express the willingness and ability of students, staff, and citizens somehow connected to the University to meet and organise themselves. The list of other associations is available on the City of Padua website.

The lists we provide are not exhaustive and addresses and contact details may be subject to updates.

  University Students Association - ASU

The University Students Association of Padua, since 1984, is an autonomous and independent student association that believes in knowledge as the driving force for a new model of sustainable democratic development.

  Tribunato degli studenti

Via 8 February 2 - 35122 Padua
Tel. 049.8273340

  Association of PhD Students and Graduates in Italy - Adi Padova

Adi Padova is active in defending the rights of PhD students and graduates, and promotes cultural and educational events.

  Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) - Padua is an association composed by volunteer students who represent the interests of exchange students during their international mobility in Padua.

ESN supports exchange students by answering their questions and helping them in dealing with any kind of issue they might have. ESN also organises activities, trips and parties to promote Italian culture with the aim to create a positive environment where everybody can feel at ease and make new friends.


Galleria Tito Livio, nº 7
35123 Padova, Italy


  Association des États Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe - Aegee Padova

Also known as the "Forum of European Students", Aegee is one of the largest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe.

  Leds - The Energy of Students

LEDS - L'energia degli studenti is the association of students in Energy Engineering, Electrical Energy, and Energetics at the University of Padua. The mission of Leds is to offer young people the opportunity to actively enrich their education by delving into the most current and innovative topics related to the world of energy and the environment.

  Italian Secretariat of Medical Students Padua - Sism

The  Segretariato italiano studenti in Medicina Padova, better known as SISM, is a social promotion association that works to contribute to the professional, intellectual, and ethical growth of medical and surgery students through raising awareness on ethical and social issues.
Address: Via Nicolò Giustiniani 2, 35128 Padua
For information:

  University Association of Forestry Students - Ausf Padova

The Associazione universitaria Studenti forestali - Ausf Padua is a non-political and non-profit organization and the largest Italian association of university students of Forestry Sciences. It is a member of AUSF Italia and IFSA (International Forestry Student Association). Membership is open to both Agraria students and anyone interested in the many services and products generated by forests, and the world connected to them.
AUSF aims to create dialogue and openness towards all sectors pertinent to forestry and agricultural sciences through the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of its activities.
Address: c/o Campus Universitario Agripolis, Via dell'Università 16 - 35020 Legnaro (PD)

  Junior Enterprise of Management Engineering of Vicenza - Jest

Junior Enterprise - Jest is a non-profit association founded on 5 May 1993 in Vicenza by a group of management engineers at the detached site of the University of Padua. Jest is structured like a company and is composed and managed exclusively by university students. Today, it includes profiles from numerous fields of study at the University of Padua.
Address: Stradella San Nicola 3 - 36100 Vicenza
Tel. 349.6287108 - Fax 0444.998700

  Aiesec, developing leadership skills

Develop leadership skills, enhance your CV, and discover who you can become with Aiesec.
Address: Unipd headquarters at the Department of Economics, 2nd floor, Tutor room, Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - Padua

  Libera, against mafias

The Unipd coordination of the Libera association brings together students in a commitment not only "against" mafias, corruption, criminal phenomena, and those who fuel them, but deeply "for": for social justice, for the pursuit of truth, for the protection of rights, for transparent politics- The Unipd coordination of the Libera association brings together students in a commitment not only "against" mafias, corruption, criminal phenomena, and those who fuel them, but profoundly "for": for social justice, for the search for truth, for the protection of rights, for transparent politics, for democratic legality based on equality, for a living and shared memory, for citizenship that embodies the spirit and hopes of the Constitution.

Instagram: @libera.padova

  L'Osteria Volante, for cultural exchange and knowledge pluralism

L’Osteria Volante is a social promotion association that organizes meetings meetings on economic, environmental, and political-moral topics to promote values of cultural exchange and pluralism of knowledge.
Facebook: @LOsteriaVolante

  Universitari costruttori

The association Universitari costruttori organises camps to offer free labour for small and simple construction work to associations and entities operating in the social sector that do not have the economic capacity to support the interventions.
Prato della Valle 56, 35123 Padova
Tel. 049 651446
Fax 049 8753092

  University Clan Scout Agesci in Padua and Agesci Padova Collemare area

In Padua, the university Scout clan is active, for Unipd students from out of town who wish to continue their scouting journey in Padua:
It is also possible to join the Agesci group - Padua Collemare area
Email: (zone leader)

  Padova Fuci Group, Italian University Catholic Federation

An association of university students who want to live their years of study with a style of depth and research in spirituality, current affairs, and culture; a unique opportunity for human and Christian growth and education.
Facebook: FUCI Padova
Instagram: @fucipd

  Antonio Rosmini Cultural Association

The Antonio Rosmini Cultural Association was founded with the aim of deepening the experience of each student, offering the university and the city opportunities for meetings, performances, reflection, culture, and artistic experience on the most current topics.
Via Forcellini 172, 35128 Padova
Tel. 049 8033672
Fax 049 8033852


The association aims to protect and promote the right to study and continuous education for all students and citizens who, being in objectively disadvantaged situations, do not effectively benefit from the educational offer. It also aims to offer the necessary support for the completion of studies and productive integration. It supports and organises cultural activities for members recognised as useful for the cultural and educational development of the person.
Galleria Ognissanti 13, 35129 Padova
Tel. 049 7800026
Fax 049 776726

  Team Lift Up

The team designs, builds, and flies fixed-wing remote-controlled drones to participate in the international university competition Air Cargo Challenge, thus representing the University of Padua internationally.