Music and shows
There is no lack of opportunity in town to listen to good music and take part in cultural activities (find information on the event pages of the Il Bo live magazine).
With the Studiare a Padova Card, and special agreements sponsored by the university, promotions and discounts are always available.
In addition to Concentus Musicus Patavinus, the University collaborates with musical associations like the students Centro d'Arte and Amici della Musica, who organize the concert season presented at the "Cesare Pollini" auditorium every year. The city stages numerous events, including the Padova jazz Festival, the Portello River Festival, the Summer Student Festival and the Radio Sherwood Festival.
Padova is one of the venues for the Teatro Stabile del Veneto and hosts many theatrical companies and institutions, like TAM teatromusica, the Centro universitario teatrale, and the theatre company Beolco Ruzzante (La Ruzzante) which puts on shows and organizes theatre workshops with university students and employees.
Check the list of the cultural initiatives and agreements for students (Italian website)