Call for Applications for the Contribution for Healthcare Expenses a.y. 2024/25
In order to support non-resident students, the Ministry of University and Research has established a fund aimed at providing a contribution for healthcare expenses incurred by the same non-resident students, defined as those residing in an Italian region different from the one where the university they are enrolled in is located. The contribution for the a.y. 2024/25 is 250.00 euros and will be awarded based on the ranking position until the allocated resources are exhausted.
The requirements to access the call are:
- ISEE 2024 for subsidized services for the right to university study, non-deviant and not exceeding 20,000 euros.
- Regular contribution for the a.y. 2024/25.
- Enrollment at the university for a number of academic years less than or equal to the normal duration of the course of study, plus one.
- Achievement of the minimum career progression as provided by the "Contribution and Exemptions a.y. 2024/25" call.
- Residence in Italy, in a region different from Veneto.
Students who intend to apply must submit their application by November 7, 2024, by completing the online procedure available in their personal area of Uniweb, under the "Initiatives" section.