Visits and tours - News, events
Medicine and Art: Giulio Chiarugi's anatomical dialogue
The exhibition "Medicine and Art: Giulio Chiarugi's anatomical dialogue" is presented in the anatomical kitchen of Palazzo del Bo. The exhibition highlights the figure of Giulio Chiarugi, a famous Italian physician and anatomist, known for his contribution to human anatomy and for his role as an educator.
The exhibition displays drawings from the famous essay "Istituzioni di anatomia dell'uomo" (Institutions of Human Anatomy), some dating back to the first edition of the text dated 1904, others belonging to later editions. The exhibition was patronized by the University of Padua and DCTV and created with the contribution of DiBio and Piccin nuova libraria S.p.A.
The exhibition can be visited during each guided tour until November 18, 2024.
Thematic guided tour “On the Cinema Trail at Palazzo del Bo”
(15 July 2024)
This themed tour is dedicated to films, documentaries, and reports shot in Palazzo del Bo. The special initiative reflects the spaces of our University through the eyes of filmmakers. The event will take place on Monday, July 15th, 2024, with two rounds of visits: 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm, and is free for UniPd teachers and staff.
The tour is promoted and organized by the Public Engagement Office and carried out by students and trainees of the VisitUniPD Internship Project. The tour will be given in Italian. Reservations are required.
Reservation Center (everyday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
tel: +39 049827.3939
Themed visits: “The Archive tells”: Daniele Calabi in Padua
(From 7 to 28 June 2024)
Palazzo del Bo presents a selection of original documents, drawings, and historical photographs, mostly unpublished, preserved in the University archives, and related to the human and professional life of Daniele Calabi,
The initiative is also connected to the historical and critical exhibition "Daniele Calabi a Padova. L'architetto e la città”, hosted by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo at the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà in Padua from 19 May to 21 July 2024.
Guided tours dedicated to the exhibition are available at 5 p.m. on the following days: 7, 14, 21 June 2024; and 28 June 2024 at 4 p.m. (special events reduced entrance € 4.00)
Thematic guided tours ‘Talking Spaces’: Palazzo del Bo and the Birth of the Republic
(2 June 2024)
Guided tours, free of charge, on the anniversary of 2 June. The itinerary narrates the historical events that led to the birth of our Republic. In difficult times leading up to 2 June 1946, Palazzo del Bo was a place of exceptional importance and the creator of new ideas of freedom.
Gian Francesco Malipiero: the Padua days
The event is part of the celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the Venetian musician's death.
The CSUP, in collaboration with Amici della Musica, the University General Archive and the Department of Cultural Heritage, will be holding a document exhibition with original artefacts and digital reproductions of documents related to Malipiero's time in Padua in the Anatomical Kitchen of Palazzo del Bo and at the Department of Cultural Heritage in Palazzo Liviano.
The exhibition can be visited during every guided tour until 20th November 2023.
Egidio Meneghetti, scholar and leader of the Resistance
April - September 2023.
The exhibition, developed in connection with the donation of Tono Zancanaro’s 1966 portrait of Egidio Meneghetti, highlights the moral profile of Meneghetti as a medical student, a volunteer in the military, a university professor, and a rector. The documents on display underline his contribution to the Resistance in the Veneto during the Second World War and his important work in the medical field.
This exhibition can be visited during every guided tour until September 2023.
Touch of art
15, 17, 23 May 2023
Three special guided tours on 15 May at Palazzo del Bo during which it will be possible to appreciate, through touch, significant elements of the architecture and furnishings, specially identified and selected to allow blind visitors to more fully enjoy the marvels of the University's historic seat; for maximum accessibility and enjoyment, it will also be possible to request the support of an LIS interpreter
Dates and times: 15 May 10-11 a.m.; 17 May 4-5 p.m.; 23 May 1-2 p.m.
Bookings: call the booking centre on 0498273939, or email:
The Archive speaks: degree theses
15 December 2022 - 8th February 2023.
The Archive of the University of Padua returns with a new document display at the Anatomical Kitchen of Palazzo del Bo.
The exhibition presents original degree theses from the 19th century through to the first decades of the 2000s. Through a selection of dissertations, written by students who later became famous personalities, the exhibition aims to illustrate the evolution of the thesis over the centuries, highlighting the changes and transformations that have affected these particular scientific texts over time. The selection of theses includes of: Ippolito Nievo, Luigi Luzzatti, Tullio Levi Civita, Massimilla Baldo Ceolin, Giuseppe Sinopoli and Antonia Arslan. The exhibition can be visited during every guided tour until 8 February 2023.
Searching for the Heart
30 September - 1 November 2022
Searching for the Heart is an art exhibition organised on World Heart Day - celebrated every year on 29 September - in the Upper Arcade of the Ancient Courtyard and the Anatomical Kitchen of Palazzo del Bo.
As in the rest of the world, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Italy, accounting for approximately 230,000 deaths per year. Every year there are more than 700 patients on the waiting lists for an organ transplant but less than 30% will receive and organ and the average waiting time is 3.7 years. The search for alternative solutions is therefore a duty to which the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of the University of Padua has long devoted all its energy, combining its clinical and research expertise with a multidisciplinary approach: from the first human heart transplant in Italy in 1985 to the first artificial heart transplant in Italy in 2007.
This is the inspiration behind “Searching for the Heart.”
The exhibition opens with a work by Alberto Biasi entitled DYNAMIC... SEARCHING FOR THE HEART in which the observer, accompanied by movement and lights, will be able to search for a heart: not the “organ” itself but an “abstract” heart, a new heart like the one many patients need.
As the number of patients awaiting transplants exceeds the number of available organs, it is therefore necessary to find alternative hearts. A fight for life that brings the Bō, staff weapon of the Samurai, to Palazzo del Bo. In KARSU by Biancarosa Volpe, the Bō takes a new form, no longer a weapon but a staff in the hands of the samurai heart surgeon who heals and transforms the patient's heart.
Finally, a dive into the future: THE GHOST HEART. This work, created by master glassmaker Giancarlo Signoretto together with Agnese Tegon and heart surgeon Gino Gerosa, reminds us to look beyond the reality of things: hopefully, in the not too distant future, a “ghost” heart may start beating again after being decellularised and repopulated with the stem cells of the potential recipient.
Searching for the Heart can be visited during every guided tour until Tuesday 1st November. It can also be visited separately on: Saturday 8, 15, 22 and 29 October from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and Thursday 13, 20 and 27 October from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
The Archive speaks: the seventh centenary
14 May - 19 September 2022.
From 14 May to 19 September 2022, it will be possible to admire, during the guided tours of Palazzo del Bo, an interesting exhibition of documents related to the celebrations of the seventh centenary of the University of Padua. Various aspects are covered: the organisation of the event, the "Ladies Committee", student participation, and local and global involvement. A previously unseen film of the visit of King Vittorio Emanuele III of Savoy to Padua on occasion of the 700th anniversary of the University (May 1922) will also be shown. The celebratory 1925 book Acta Universitatis Patavinae Septima Saecularia Celebrantis MCCXXII-MCMXXII will also be on display. Held at the Anatomical Kitchen of Palazzo del Bo, the exhibition is curated by the University General Archive (AGAPd - Document Management Office), in collaboration with the University History Centre (CSUP) and the staff of the VisitUniPD Stage Project (ACOM - Public Engagement Office).
On the trail of women
8 March - 1 May 2022
Thanks to the collaboration between the University General Archive and the VisitUnipd Stage Project staff, until 1 May 2022 it will be possible to admire, during the guided tours of Palazzo del Bo, an exhibition of unpublished documents dating to between the 17th and 20th centuries that trace the contributions of women to the University of Padua.
From 1678 and the first woman in the world to receive a university degree, Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, to the establishment of a permanent female presence at the University of Padua with the School of Midwifery founded in 1815, through to the female engineering graduate in Padua, Elvira Poli, on 25 November 1920.
The exhibition will be held at the Anatomical Kitchen of Palazzo del Bo.
Public Engagement Office
Call centre - bookings: +39 049827.3939
Everyday: 9-17