University Corridors for Refugees - 6.0
(Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Sudafrica, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique 2024/2026)
In cooperation with UNHCR, the University of Padua offers 2 scholarships for the A.Y. 2024/25 to refugee students.
Amount: fee-waiver + € 3,600 scholarship (gross amount), accommodation, meals at university canteens and many free services offered by local partners.
Duration: 2 years
Who can apply: students who meet the following requirements:
- are residing in Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Sudafrica, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambiqueand have been recognized the refugee status in collaboration with UNHCR
- hold a qualification valid for admission to the chosen second-cycle degree programme
- the qualification must be awarded by a higher education institution duly accredited and must grant access to a second-cycle degree programme in the relevant foreign system
- have obtained their qualification not before 2019 and no later than May 19, 2024
- Meet the specific admission requirements of the second-cycle degree programme of interest, or will meet such requirements by the deadline of enrolment
Please note that the scholarship cannot be granted to students who have obtained other scholarships funded by Italian public institutions (e.g.: Regional Scholarship).
The application fee is exceptionally waived exclusively for candidates who meet the entry requirements listed above.
How to apply:
Deadline for application: April 15, 2024