Themed visits and special initiatives

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The themed visits are carried out thanks to the support of the students and interns of the Stage VisitUnipd Project and professors from the University of Padua, and make it possible to explore different historical and artistic aspects of the Palazzo each time. Often they also involve the engaging presence of a handful of ‘goliards’ who enliven the tours with interesting stories and anecdotes related to the Goliardia student association of Padua, its history and its traditions.

The themed tours of Palazzo del Bo are organised to mark special occasions and do not therefore form part of the regular schedule of daily tours. Check out the VisitUniPD social media pages to keep up to date with the latest news on these special visits.

  On the trail of women

This themed visit is dedicated to female figures who have distinguished themselves in the history of the university, and to their stories. The tour aims to offer an alternative narrative of the university's history and its historic location, highlighting the important contribution made by women.
The visit usually takes place on 8 March, International Women's Day, or on other special occasions.

  On the trail of jurists

Starting in the oldest halls, this tour offers an insight into the history of Padua’s law school, retracing the stories of illustrious scholars who have stood out in the field of law, and not only, such as Michel de l'Hospital and Francis Walsingham.

In fact, the University of Padua was established in 1222 as a law school, Universitas Iuristarum, with the Universitas Artistarum - the university of the arts which dedicated its research to medicine, philosophy and the literary disciplines etc. - only officially founded in 1399.

  On the trail of doctors

This guided tour traces the footsteps of illustrious doctors who forged the reputation of the University of Padua over the centuries with their key contributions to the development of medical science.

A great opportunity to delve into topics that it isn’t always possible to explore during the daily guided tours. Visitors will learn about the most important medical and academic milestones and the great professors that immortalised Padua’s medical school: Pietro d'Abano, Hieronymus Fabricius, Andreas Vesalius, Giovanni Battista Morgagni and many others.

  On the trail of the cinema

Traces of Cinema is a themed guided tour that takes visitors on a journey to discover the movies which have turned Palazzo del Bo into a real film set over the years.

An alternative view of the halls of the historic seat of our University as seen through the eyes and lenses of filmmakers.

  On the trail of Goliardia

This themed visit is dedicated to discovering symbols, frescoes, signs, traditions, and legends that have always linked student and goliardic life to Palazzo del Bo.

  On the trail of Halloween

This themed visit is dedicated to the darkest and most disturbing aspects of Palazzo del Bo.

Visits must be pre-booked and usually take place on 31 October.

  Inclusive virtual tour with robot support

The inclusive virtual tour with robot support enables “virtual” visitors to take a remote guided tour of the spaces of Palazzo del Bo via a robot which, piloted by expert staff, follows the instructions of the guide and travels through the building on behalf of the virtual tourist.

  Talking Spaces - The Ancient Courtyard. Open-air journey back to the 13th - 17th centuries

A trip back in time to discover the transformations that Palazzo del Bo, historic seat of the University of Padua, underwent between the 13th and 17th centuries.
The open-air tour takes place among the arcades of the palazzo’s ancient courtyard, the architectural, sculptural and artistic works telling their own story.

  Talking Spaces - Palazzo del Bo: the Graduation Halls

The tour is designed to acquaint visitors with the Graduation Halls of Palazzo del Bo. An opportunity to visit the Medicine and Law Halls, but also the Science and Letters Halls that have long ceased to be graduation rooms but are undoubtedly worth seeing and admiring.
This tours goes as far as the third floor of Palazzo del Bo which is not served by lifts or escalators (only accessible by foot).

  Information and tickets

Every day (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.): 049 827 3939 -

Themed visits are not part of the regular tour programme. The possibility of organising these special tours must be verified in advance with the booking centre. The cost per group (max 30 participants) is 50 euro, in addition to the admissions price.
The inclusive virtual tour with robot support costs 60 euro (not including admissions price).

Public Engagement Office

Call centre -  bookings: +39 049827.3939
Everyday: 9-17

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