Research areas at unipd
At the University of Padua, 32 Departments are responsible for carrying out both scientific research and teaching activities. It pursues the widest research scope in the light of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. Research areas have here been listed by Department in order to make information more accessible. Each Department has been grouped by its main scientific domain: Life Sciences (LS), Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE), Social Sciences and Humanities (SH).
At the University of Padua 13 Departments have been selected as Departments of Excellence of Italian universities: they are among the 180 beneficiaries of a national award, which consists in a five-year special funding provided by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Research and University) as to strengthen and enhance excellence in research and teaching. This recognition is assigned to those departments that stand out for the quality of the research carried out and for the quality of their scientific development project.
Researchers working at the University of Padua can be found through a dedicated database, which allows you to identify the researchers’ surname and Department. A complete list of their publications is available in the Padova Research Archive.
DAFNAE (Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment)
- Agronomy and Field Crops
- Fruit Tree Crops
- Vegetables and Flower Crops
- Agriculture Genetics
- Entomology
- Agriculture Chemistry
- Food Science and Technology
- Agricultural Microbiology
- Animal Science, Breeding and Selection
- Animal Feeding and Nutrition
- Special Zootechnics
- Zooculture
Check DAFNAE Research Areas web page
DAFNAE has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DB (Department of Biology)
- Biochemistry
- Mitochondrial Biochemistry, Biology and Physiopathology
- Biophysics and Molecular and Cellular Physiology
- Cell Biology
- Cellular Biology of Plants
- Cellular, Vascular and Tumor Biology
- Developmental Biology and Morphogenesis
- Biology and Systematics of algae and higher plants
- Evolutionary Biology of Arthropods
- Molecular Biology
- Regulatory Biology and Translational Genetics
- Botany
- Ecoetology and Evolutionary Biology
- Marine Ecology
- Molecular Ecology
- Philosophy and History of Biological Sciences
- Environmental Physiology and Experimental Zoology
- Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
- Photosynthesis and plant biotechnology
- Molecular human genetics
- Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Functional Genomics
- Neurogenetics and Chronobiology
- Palinology and Archaeobotany
- General Pathology
- Cell proliferation
Check DB Research Areas web page
DB has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
BCA (Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science)
Animal Science
Animal Breeding and genetics
Nutritional Strategies to improve the quality of milk and reduce the environmental impact of farms
Food analysis
Computational Biology
Computational Biology
Machine Learning
Infective Diseases of Domestic Animals
Poultry and rabbit production
Inspection of Animal Source Foods
Characterization of foodborne pathogens and microbial community
Food authenticity
Evaluations of alternative ingredients and new technologies in food preservation
Food composition and consumer protection
Veterinary Anatomical Pathology and General Pathology
Neoplastic diseases of dogs and cats in comparative medicine
European Veterinary Renal Pathology Service (EVRPS)
Feline Diabetes. Spontaneous feline diabetes is an endocrine syndrome
Pathology and clinical pathology of marine mammals
Zoo and wildlife pathology
Diseases of aquatic species: turtles, fishes and invertebrates
Veterinary Anatomy
Neuroanatomy and development of the CNS
Skeletal muscle: structure, function and development
Functional anatomy of aquatic organisms
Therapeutic potential of stem cells
Veterinary Bioethics
Critical Reasoning and Decision Making Process in ethics
Animal Welfare Ethics
Conservation and Wildlife Ethics and Education
Veterinary Medical Ethics
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
The molecular biology of drug metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) and drug transporters (DTs) in veterinary species
New therapeutic strategies in veterinary and comparative oncology
LC/MS-MS analyses
Sub-lethal effects of environmental contaminants in freshwater organisms from different trophic levels
Veterinary Physiology and Ethology
Oxidative stress
Environmental genomics and aquaculture
Mitochondrial genomics
Evolution and phylogeny of bony-fishes
Molecular identification of animal species
Check BCA Research Areas web page
BCA has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DIMED (Department of Medicine)
Pathological anatomy
- morphological and molecular characterization of tumors, preneoplastic lesions and their microenvironment (gastrointestinal tract, liver, soft tissue, thyroid, head and neck tumors and pediatric tumors)
- Barrett's esophagus: epidemiology and natural history
- inflammatory diseases of the liver, with particular regard to the viral hepatitis of the adulo and of the pediatric age and to the mechanisms of their progression
- anesthesia and pharmacology in the obese patient and in transplant surgery
- paint therapy
- oncological and immune-mediated dermatological diseases: study of pathogenetic mechanisms and innovative therapeutic approaches
- onco-haematological diseases with particular reference to chronic lymphoproliferative diseases
- functional and neoplastic diseases (thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, testicle)
- phospho-calcium and osteo metabolism and sarcopenia in the elderly
- adrenal tumors: study of the molecular mechanisms responsible for arterial hypertension and sudden death
- andrology and assisted reproduction
- acute and chronic liver disease
- cirrhosis and portal hypertension
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- liver transplantation
Experimental pharmacology and oncology
- animal models for the study of oncogenesis and the development of new targeted therapies
- molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis
- lipid metabolism and cardiovascular complications
- neuro-cognitive decay and dementia
- impact of chronic diseases on disability
- prognostic indices in the frail elderly
- functional assessment of physical activity in the elderly
- anatomical and functional imaging with particular regard to advanced metabolic imaging
- vascular and interventional radiology
- national reference center for the catheterization of adrenal veins in the subtyping of primary aldosteronism
- immunology
- autoimmune and musculoskeletal rheumatic diseases
- immunological and molecular mechanisms of pulmonary fibrosis
- endocrine mechanisms of arterial hypertension
- rare forms of hypertension
- optimization of diagnostic algorithms for the identification of secondary hypertensions
- prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension and its complications
Metabolic diseases
- experimental diabetology
- pathophysiology and clinic of diabetes mellitus
- complications and therapy of diabetes and obesity in pregnancy
- obesity and metabolic syndrome
- diseases of bone metabolism
Vascular and haemostatic diseases
- bleeding and thrombotic, congenital and acquired disorders
- platelet disorders
- rare haemostatic diseases
- pathogenesis of arterosclerotic disease and its relationships with risk factors, in particular dyslipidemia
Sports Medicine
- functional assessment, exercise prescription and motor activity in the various chronic diseases
- group medicine
Laboratory medicine
- development of quality indicators and performance criteria
- pre-intra-post analytical problems of liquid biopsy
- development of management algorithms to improve the appropriateness of the clinical request for laboratory tests
- serological and molecular markers of pancreatic, gastric, colorectal and prostate cancer
- clinical, physiopathological and diagnostic aspects of H. Pylori infection, and correlations with the development of gastric tumors
- serological markers of celiac disease and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
- kidney failure
- dialysis and cardiovascular complications of dialysis
- cardiovascular complications of kidney transplantation
- molecular and biochemical mechanisms of rare kidney diseases (Fabry, Gitelman, Bartter)
Check the DIMED Research Area web page
DIMED has been recognizes as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
MAPS (Department of Animal Medicin, Pructions and Health)
Animal Sciences and Technologies
- Breeding techniques for livestock aimed at improving animal welfare and quality of production
- Feeding and breeding of pets
- Development of analytical techniques for assessing the quality and safety of food for humans and animals
Veterinary Pathology and Inspection of Food of Animal Origins
- Research and typing of thermophilic Campylobacter and VTEC E. coli in the cow and buffalo milk production chain
- Study and development of analytical methods for the determination of species in fishery products for the purpose of fraud prevention
- Study on the penetration of Salmonella spp., From the inside surface of the shell, into artificially contaminated eggs
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Animals
- emerging zoonoses, also transmitted by vectors
- antibiotic resistance
- virosis (PRRSV and PCV2) of pigs in intensive farming
- avian respiratory virosis
- parasitic vector-borne diseases
- parasites of marine mammals and aquatic organisms
- equine parasitosis and anthelmintic resistance
Medical Clinic and Veterinary Pharmacology
- hereditary and genetic diseases of cattle
- metabolic and nutritional diseases of ruminants
- diagnostics for images of domestic and exotic animals
- welfare of farm animals
- cardiovascular diseases of domestic animals
- echocardiographic evolution of stents and valvular prostheses in experimental animals
Clinical Surgical And Veterinary Obstetrics
- renal xenograft of the transgenic pig to non-human primates
- stem cell transplantation in the ischemic liver of the rat
- hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury and new therapeutic strategies in the pig
- innovative surgical techniques in pets
- control of reproduction in companion animals and unconventional species using Deslorelin
- improvement of assisted reproduction techniques in livestock and pets
- biotechnologies of reproduction in productive and companion animals
Check the MAPS Research Areas web page
DSDB (Department of Women’s and Children’s Health)
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Hormonal Receptors Lab
Epidemiological Research
Clinical Research
Innovative Therapies Research
Applied Biological Research
Applied Neuro-informatics Research
INCAS (Strategic Cardiovascular Engineering)
Molecular Biology
Mitochondrial Physiopathology
Model Organisms
Clinical Teratology
DSB (Department of Biomedical Sciences)
Circuit formation and function in the brain
Genetics of focal epilepsies
Migraine Pathophysiology
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases
Neuronal Network on Microchips
Neuron-glia signaling in brain function and dysfunction
Neuroparalysis and Neurogeneration Lab
Pathogenesis of neurological and neuromuscolar diseases
Plasticity in Pathology
Cell Signaling
Ca2and cAMP signaling in physiology and pathology
Pharmacobiology of Natural Compounds
Phosphorylation signaling in Health disease
Redox signaling and cancer biomarkers
Mitochondrial pathophysiology
Mitochondria in cell death and cancer
Mitochondrial calcium signaling
Molecular mechanisms of aging
Oxidative metabolism in cardiac disease
Muscle Physiology in Health and Disease
Autonomic control of cardiac function
Chaperones in muscle differentiation and disease
Pathophysiology of striated muscles
Signaling pathways that control protein homeostasis in muscles
Medical Biotechnology
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Pathobiology
Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
Nano-biotechnology and nano-biomedicine
Peptides and Antibodies
Protein Engineering
Physical Activity and Health
Environmental and Respiratory Physiology
Health, Sport and Exercise Sciences
Inflammation and Immunity
Inflammation and Immunity
Computational and Structural Biology
BioComputing UP
Protein Crystallography and cryoEM
DCTV (Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences and Public Health)
Pathological Anatomy
- Structural and molecular bases of deathsudden cardiac
- Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy etiopathogenesis
- Pathology of Cardiac Transplantation
- Molecular Pathology and Medicine
- Regenerative
- Pathological bases of heart disease structural
- Cardiac innervation
- Biomarkers and microenvironment study in chest neoplasms
- Morphological and molecular bases of the interstitial lung diseases
- Pathology of Lung Transplantation
Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health
- Machine learning Technique (MLT) e Data Mining
- Clinical Epidemiology
- Clinical Trials
- Nutraceuticals and Nutrition
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Hemodynamic structural therapy of valvulopathies: clinicoemodynamic correlations
- Functional evaluation of stenoses coronary
- Percutaneous treatment of the disease of the common trunk
- Antithrombotic therapy in syndromes acute coronary
- Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: clinical and instrumental evaluation, genotype-phenotype correlation, arrhythmic risk stratification
- Sudden death in athletes: clinical-instrumental study
- Inflammatory myocardial diseases e pericardium
- Ischemic heart disease: study of pathophysiological mechanisms by cardiac magnetic resonance
- Cardiac pathology of microcirculation in systemic diseases and in transplantation cardiac
- Evaluation standardization of myocardial deformation by echocardiography
- Use of cardiovascular hybridization advanced to optimize the use of implantable defibrillators for the primary prevention of death sudden in patients with structural and reduced heart disease left ventricular function
- Evaluation of pathophysiology e hemodynamic severity of functional tricuspid insufficiency and its implications in cardiology structural interventional
- Prognostic value of the analysis quantity of geometry and function of the right ventricle and its functional adaptations to the different ones hemodynamic overloads
- Mitral valve geometry in functional failure and its implications for the development of a implantable biological prosthesis transcatheter
- Thrombophilias and cardiovascular diseases
Cardiac Surgery
- Development of a bioengineered heart
- Development of valve substitutes bioengineered
- Development of arterial substitutes bioengineered
- Clinical result in surgical treatment of heart failure: transplantation of heart and mechanical assistance
- New technologies in surgical therapy e transcatheter (minimally invasive cardiac surgery) for the correction of cardiovascular pathologies
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Decellularized valves
- Preservation of the pulmonary valve in TOF
- Evaluation of biochemical markers of damage neurological and pulmonary during Extracorporeal circulation and correlations clinics
- Cardiac surgery in patients with heart disease congenital complex in adulthood
- Clinical outcomes in patients operated for complex congenital heart disease in pediatric age
Thoracic Surgery
- COPD and lung cancer
- Surgery of the trachea, bronchi and fistulas tracheooesophageal
- Thymic disorders and robotic surgery
- Lung transplant and techniques of ex vivo organ preservation
- Stage lung cancer surgery locally advanced
- Multimodal treatment of mesothelioma malignant pleura
Vascular Surgery
- Aneurysmal and post-traumatic pathology of the thoracic aorta: new solutions of treatment and management of complications
- Obliterative arteriopathy of the aortoiliac and peripheral axes: physiopathology and new therapeutic solutions
- Aneurysmal pathology of the arteries peripherals
- Abdominal aorta pathology: therapeutic solutions, management of complications
- Pathology of supra-aortic trunks e pathophysiology of insufficiency cerebrovascular
- Pathophysiology, hemodynamics and solutions operating in vascular accesses for hemodialysis
- Thoracic aorta and thoracoabdominal dissection
Hygiene and Public Health
- Epidemiology of chronic diseases e diffusive, disease prevention infectious in the nosocomial and community context
- Population studies
- Evaluation of Health Services and Health Promotion
- Hygiene and applied microbiology
Occupational Medicine
- Environmental pneumopathies
- BIOAGE in environmental and occupational expositions: telomeres and telomerase
- Environment gene interaction in the development of environmental and professional tumors
- Arthropoprosthetic cobaltosis and toxicity of cobalt
- Neurofibromatosis type 1
- Chemical markers for the exposure to wood dust evaluation
Forensic Medicine
- Diagnostics and monitoring of acute, chronic and lethal intoxications from xenobiotic
- Application of omics technologies in medical and forensic field
- Microradiology in anthropology and forensic pathology
- Histopathology, toxicology and biology in the postmortal diagnosis of occupational disease
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical outcomes
- Bronchial asthma: pathogenetic mechanisms and natural history of the disease
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis and other interstitial lung diseases
- Respiratory disorders associated with diseases neuromuscular and non-invasive ventilation
DISCOG (Department of Oncological and Gastroenterological Surgical Sciences)
Basic and Translational Oncology and Tumor Immunology
- Cancer immunotherapy
- Cancer stem cells in ovarian tumors
- Cellular Replicative Potential: Telomere/telomerase
- Human tumor immunology
- Metabolic profile and redox homeostasis of tumor cells
- microRNAs as biomarkers of cancer development and progression
- Targeted therapies lymphoid malignancies through proteomic approaches
- Viral Oncology
Clinical Oncology
- Breast Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Non-small cell lung Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- Surgery of colorectal Cancer
- Surgical Oncology
Digestive and Liver Diseases
- Autoimmune and Cholestatic Liver Disease
- Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
- Clinical and Translational Gut Immunology
- Education in Medicine and Gastroenterology
- Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Gastrointestinal and Liver Oncology
- Microbiota in Health and Disease
- Metabolic Liver Disease
- Viral Hepatitis
- Musculoskeletal pathology and oncology laboratory
- Orthopedics and Orthopedic Oncology
Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine
- Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation
- Liver Transplantation
- Regenerative Medicine
- Cancer Cachexia
- Colorectal surgery
- Endocrine diseases
- Endocrine surgery
- Esophageal Diseases
- Generation of pancreatic tumor organoids
- Liver surgery
- Pancreatic and digestive endocrine surgery
- Kidney cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Bladded cancer
- Functional cancer
DSF (Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacognosy
- Neuropharmacology: microglia and neuroinflammation in the pathophysiology of CNS diseases; Oligodendrocytes and demyelinating diseases
- Gastrointestinal Pharmacology: Neurodegenerative disease (Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease); Neuroimmune crosstalk in inflammatory bowel diseases; Maternal obesity and high-fat diet in childhood: study of the molecular mechanisms underlying gastrointestinal disorders; Role of gut-brain axis in the onset of functional gastrointestinal and psychiatric disorders: an explorative view from early life to adulthood
- Cardiovascular Pharmacology: Pharmacological modulation of estrogen receptors in the setting of chronic inflammatory diseases in relation to aging and gender; Dietary (DHA) and pharmacological modulation of lipid mediator profile (eicosanoids) in endothelial and immune cells; Pharmacological modulation of lipid, cholesterol and glucose metabolism as related to vascular wall and adipose tissue biology
- Cancer Pharmacology: Selective induction of controlled cancer cell death; Cancer metabolism and drug resistance; Drugs targeting the tumor microenvironment; Cancer metabolomics; Drug metabolite profiling and assessment of potential metabolism-based drug-drug interactions
- Pharmacognosy and Environmental Toxicology: Pharmacognosy; Eco-sustainable Pesticides
Medicinal Chemistry
- Drug Design and Synthesis: Anticancer compounds; Antinflammatory agents; Chemical probing; Cystic Fibrosis Treatment; Metals in Medicine; Neglected Tropical Diseases; NR natural ligand modification to obtain novel retinoids; Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors; Molecular Modeling Section (MMS); Drug Discovery by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Development of new strategies in Drug Discovery coupling Computational techniques with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Antiobesity compounds
- Molecular Mechanisms of Drug Action: Biophysical Medicinal Chemistry Section; Investigation on anticancer compounds; Drugs targeted at nucleic acids; Aptamers and Aptasensors; Photobiological effects of furocoumarines; Effects of psoralens plus UVA or Blue light as anti-tumor agents in human cancer cells; Photodegradation of illicit drugs in hair
- Nutraceuticals: Food analysis; Metabolomic studies; Isolation of bioactive constituents from Plants; Crop and agricultural by product as source of phytoconstituents for nutraceutical development; Development of plant derived products for agriculture; Metabolomic based studies for natural bioactive products and nutraceuticals: Development and validation of analytical methods; Approaches for dosage adjustment of antimicrobial agents in renal replacement therapy
Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Delivery
- Advanced Drug Delivery and Biopharmaceutics: Protein Modification (PEGylation); Smart Liposomes and Micelles; Lipid and Polymeric Micro-Nanoparticles; Gold Nanoparticles; Polymer Bioconjugates; Oligonucleotide Delivery; Synthetic Polysaccharides; Avidin Nucleic Acids nano Asemblies (ANANAS) Platform; Sol-Gel Silica
- Galenic and Cosmetic Formulation and Pharmaceutical Processes: Wet Granulation and scale up; Development of lipid formulations; Design and development of oral solid dosage forms; Mucoadhesive tablets; Technological development of β emitting radiopharmaceutical produced with radioactive ion beams
- Biochemistry
Pharmaceutical Biology
- Pharmaceutical Biology: Plants as source of secondary metabolites; In vitro plant cell cultures; Pharmacognostic evaluation of herbal drugs; Algae as source of phytochemicals
Regenerative Medicine
- Regenerative Medicine: Tissue engineering; In vitro models of inflammation
TESAF (Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry)
Agricultural, Forestry and Biosystems Engineering
- Agricultural and forest engineering
- Water resources, soil and watershed protection
Economics, Appraisal and Law
- Agri-food, forest and natural resources economics. Land appraisal, law and policies for the territory and the environment
Plant Pathology
- Plant pathology and phytopathological technologies
Science and Technology of Tree and Forest Systems
- Ecology and sustainable forest management
- Wood technology and forest harvesting
Surveying and Mapping
- Geomatics
DFA (Department of Physics and Astronomy “Galileo Galilei”)
Astronomy, astrophysics, physics of the Earth and the Planets
- AGN and Cosmology
- High Energy Multimessenger Astrophysics
- Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Formation and evolution of galaxies
- Formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters
- Study from the Earth and from the space of the objects of the Solar System
- Extrasolar planets
- Stellar populations
- Structure and dynamics of galaxies
Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions
- Astroparticle Physics: neutrino physics; Matter and Dark Energy; Gravitational Waves
- Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
- Elementary particle Physics
Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions
- Theoretical Physics
Experimental Matter Physics
- Biophysics and Opto-Nanobiotechnology
- Semiconductor and advanced crystal physics
- NanoStructure Group
- LaFSI – Laboratory of surface physics and interfaces
Theoretical Matter Physics
- Statistical Physics of complex and biological systems
- Numerical theories and simulations for condensed matter ant quantum sciences
Applied Physics, Didactics and History of Physics
- Medical Physics
- History of Physics and Scientific instrumentation
- Research Group in Didactics of Physics and Astronomy
Check DFA Research Areas web page
DFA has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
Department of Geosciences
Deep Earth and Planets
- Mineralogy under ambient and extreme conditions, minerogenesis and ore deposits
- Petrology and Geochemistry of magmatic and metamorphic systems, deep Earth volatile cycle
- Structural Geology, tectonism and geodynamics
- Physical chemical processes in seismic faults, stress and strain in seismic areas
- Planetary Geology and analogs
Depositional systems, evolution of the Biosphere, Past Life and Deep Time
- Sedimentology, Basin Analysis, Regional Geology, Facies Analysis
- Macroand Micro-Paleontology, Paleoecology,Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography
- Stratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy and Geological Time Scales
Applied mineralogy, petrography and geophysics
- Ancient materials, archaeometry, cultural heritage
- Industrial materials
- Geophysics
Geomorphological processes, natural resources and geological hazards
- Analysis of geomorphological processes and geological hazards
- Characterization, evaluation and protection of groundwater resources
- Near surface Geophysics
- Natural Resources: Geothermal energy and shallow geothermal resources
ICEA (Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering)
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Climate change, territories, diversity
- Cardiovascular fluid dynamics
- Hydrodynamics and bio-morfodynamics of rivers and lagoons
- Numerical Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Statistics
- Structural Mechanics and Structural Engineering
- Technical Architecture
- Geomatics
- Transportation Systems Engineering
- Hydraulic Hazard
DEI (Department of Information Engineering)
Applied Optics
Optical sensors, bio-sensors and materials
Quantum information
Optical instruments for satellite and ground astronomic telescopes
Industrial Control Applications: Automotive; HVAC Systems; Semiconductor Manufacturing; Industrial Communication Systems
Control Networks: Boolean Control Networks; Camera Networks; Networked Control Systems
Control Systems Theory: System Theory; Switched Systems
Machine Learning, Identification and Estimation: Machine Learning and System Identification; Computer Vision; Spectral Estimation
Quantum Information and Control
Robotics & Mechatronics: Multi-agent Robotics; Mechatronics; Unmanned Vehicle Control
Smart Environments: Smart Energy Grids; Smart Buildings; Smart Factories
Modelling of cell biology: Electrical activity in endocrine cells; Molecular control of exocytosis; Multiscale modelling of secretion
Functional and Anatomical Imaging Research: Quantitative Positron Emission Tomography Imaging; Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Quantitative Ultrasound; Optical Imaging
Modelling, Identification and Control of Physiological Systems: Modelling of Physiological Systems; Identification and Parameter Estimation Techniques; Control of Physiological Systems
System Biology and Bioinformatics: Development and application of advanced modelling, data mining and machine learning methods for high-throughput biological data analysis
Biomedical Signal Processing: EEG Analysis; Hypoglycemia-induced EEG changes; Local Field Potentials (LFP) in the animal model
Biomedical Image Analysis
Bioengineering of the Movement
Computer Engineering
Advanced computing paradigms: Design and development of optimized applications for science and engineering; Models and Algorithms for Portable Software on HPC Platforms
Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Processing; Preference reasoning in decision support systems; Temporal and Probabilistic Reasoning
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: Algorithms and data structures for whole genome analysis; Algorithms for sequencing data; Computational cancer genomics; Marker selection and data compression for genome wide association studies
Information retrieval and permanent data: Digital Cultural Heritage; Information Retrieval and Search Engines; Machine Learning; Web of Data, Structured Data; Geomatics
Information Technology and Informatics for Health and well-being: Computational Dermatology; Prosthetic Systems for Cognitive and memory related deficits; Machine Learning for medical diagnosis; Neurorobotics
Intelligent Robotics and autonomous systems: Robot Vision; Industrial Robotics; Motion Planning; Humanoid Robotics; Educational Robotics
Data mining and Machine Learning: Algorithms for Big Data Analytics; Information Access and Search Engines; Multivariate Feature Selection; Pattern Recognition and Ensemble Classifiers; Similarity Search
Security: Pervasive and Mobile System Security, Energy-Aware Security; P2P and Ad-hoc Network Security
Sound and music computing: 3D Audio; Audio in Multimodal Interfaces; Expressive Information Processing; Musical Cultural Heritage
Web and social networks
Operation research
Advanced Solid-State Devices: Wide Band-gap Semiconductor Devices; Organic Thin-Film Transistor and Bio-sensors; Design, development and characterization of Bio-sensors in biomedical and agrifood applications
Optoelectronic Devices: GaN-based optoelectronic devices; Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Photovoltaic Devices: Advanced Solar Cell Architectures; Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells
Power Electronics: Renewable Energy Conversion; Industrial, consumer and Custom Power Electronics Applications; Smart micro-Grids; Energy Harvesting; Characterization of SiC and GaN Power Devices
Instrumentation and Measurement: Measurement Applications of Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms; Measurement for Smart Grids; Precision Time Protocol and Clock Servo design for network synchronisation; Electromagnetic compatibility; Tools and methods for quality engineering
Antennas: Ultra-Wideband antennas; MIMO antennas; Smart antennas
Optical Fibers: High-capacity Tranmission Systems; Optical Fiber Sensors; Nonlinear Effects for all optical Signal Processing; Polarization-sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography
Signal Processing and Multimedia: 3D Signals Acquisition and Processing; Multimedia Communication and Digital Forensics; Distributed Signal Processing; Signal Processing for Wearable IoT Devices
Networks: 5G Networks; Cognition-based Networking and Cognitive Networks; Complex Networks; Internet of Things and WSNs; Smart Cities; Underwater Communications
Transmission: Channel Coding; Optical and Quantum Communications; Physical Layer Security; Wireless Communications
Check the DEI Research Areas web page
DEI has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DII (Department of Industrial Engineering)
Bioengineering, biotechnology and health technologies
Biomechanics and mechanics of biological materials
Biological engineering and biochemistry
Orthopedic and rehabilitation engineering
Health technologies
Food engineering
Economics and energy policy
Energy and buildings
Renewable energies
Nuclear Fusion
Electric generators and electric energy conversion
Energy management
Energy storage
Electrochemical energy storage
Materials for energy
Electrical systems for energy
Energy systems
Smart grids
Refrigeration technology
Applied thermodynamics and heat transport
Refrigeration and heat pumps
Electrical systems engineering
Electromagnetic compatibility
Industrial electronics
Photometry and lighting
Electric machines and actuators
Modelling, simulation and optimization of electromagnetic devices and systems
Electric power systems
Smart electricity grids
Instrumentation and electrical measurements
High voltage technology
Electrical technologies
Electrical transmission
Mechanical systems engineering
Fatigue and fracture of materials and components
Aerospace engineering
Engineering of sports equipment
Structural integrity of machine components
Fluid machines and plants
Micro-systems and micro-technologies
Mechanical measurements and instrumentation
Optimization of mechanical systems
Advanced design of machines and mechanical components
Propulsion and magneto-thermo-fluid dynamics
Manufacturing and manufacturing systems
Space systems and structures
Advanced technologies for diagnostics and monitoring of mechanical systems
Management and Entrepreneurship
Evolution of management systems
Organizational models for the management of innovation and new products development
Entrepreneurship for economic growth and the development of new businesses in different contexts
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Performance measurement and management
New project management methodologies
Characterization of materials
Nanostructured films
Porous materials
Polymers and composites: chemistry, technology and structural integrity
Coatings and surface treatments
Silicon for photovoltaic applications
Particle and nanoparticle technology
Advanced glasses and ceramics
Chemistry and technology of polymers and composites
Safe and sustainable mobility
Vehicle dynamics and vibrations
Dynamics and structural integrity of mechanical systems and vehicles
Automotive and vehicular technology
Electric automotive technologies
Advanced technologies for vehicle diagnostics and monitoring
Dynamics of mechanical systems and vehicles
Industrial process and products
Safety and quality management
Process systems engineering
Precision production engineering
Production engineering and chemical processes
Chemical reactions engineering : synthesis, reactivity and catalysis
Microwave and induction heating
Powder technology
Pasteurization and food drying processes
High pressure plants
Environmental and industrial safety
Acoustics and noise control
Environment, recycling and waste management technologies
Quality and eco-sustainability
Process and plant safety
Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology
Environmental fluid dynamics
Air pollution and olfactometry
Quality and restoration of water bodies
Polar research on the effects of climate change
Water treatment
Evaluation of environmental quality and decision-making tools (LCA and risk analysis)
Carbon dioxide capture and use
DISC (Department of Chemical Sciences)
Life Chemistry
- Synthesis and analysis
- Studies of photosynthetic systems via optic and magnetic spectroscopies
Environment, Energy and Cultural Heritage
- Development and application of chemical methods to technologies for the production and storage of energy
- Environment control
- Cultural heritage conservation
Materials, Nanomaterials and Surfaces
- Synthesis of functionalized organic, inorganic and hybrid materials
- Development of functional materials with controlled chemical, optic, electric, magnetic properties
- Studies of interfaces, films and supported nanoparticles
Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry
- Supramolecular systems and colloidal chemistry
- Self-assembly of nanostructures and nanoparticles
Synthesis, Catalysis and Reactivity
- Synthesis and characterization of homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysts
- Coordination chemistry
- Organic synthesis, electrosynthesis
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
- Molecular modeling
- In silico characterization
- Molecular dynamics and reactivity
- Quantum and statistical methods
- Computational spectroscopy
Check the DISC Research Areas webpage
DISC has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DTG (Department of Management and Engineering)
Mechanical Design and Machine Construction
- Material mechanics
- Damage mechanics
- Analysis of the states of tension and deformation of mechanical components, even in operation
- Development and implementation of fatigue and fracture design methodologies for innovative building materials, with particular reference to polymer matrix composite materials
- Development of methodologies for monitoring structural integrity using multifunctional materials
Mechanics Applied to Machines
- functional design of mechanisms and automatic machines
- study of vibratory phenomena in machines, aimed at both controlling unwanted vibrations and optimizing vibration generation systems;
- kinematic and dynamic modelling of mechanisms, mechatronic systems and robots, also operated by cables;
- planning and control of the motion of both rigid and deformable mechanical systems;
- synthesis of state estimators for multibody systems using full or reduced order models
- application of robotics in the industrial and medical fields
Statistics and Operations Research
- design of experiments
- big data analytics
- machine learning
- artificial intelligence
- non parametric statistics
- conjoint analysis
- ranking and selection
- simulation and optimization in industrial and healthcare environments
- biostatistics
Engineering Management and Economics
- Operations and supply chain management
- management of new product development
- knowledge management
- product customization management
- risk management
- serve management
- marketing
- innovation management
- business systems and economy
- business strategy and models
- lean management
- project management
Electrical and Information Engineering
- power electronic devices and systems
- electric machines and drives
- electrotechnics and industrial applications of plasmas
- industrial IT
- electrical measurements and electromagnetic compatibility
- automation and robotic systems for rehabilitation
- conversion systems for renewable energy
Mechanical Industrial Plants
- design of both production-service and logistic systems
- management of production and logistic systems
- ergonomics and safety
- maintenance
- industrial logistics and supply chain network
- automatic, integrated and flexible logistic-production systems
Mechanical Technology
- production technologies and precision measurement manufactures
- forming of metals and polymers
- concurrent design of product and process
- additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping
- dimensional metrology for industrial production
- micromatching technologies and systems
Mathematical Analysis and Geometry
- algebraic varieties in finite fields
- general combinatorial structures or immersed in projective spaces
- manifold harmonic analysis
- study of multipliers and spectral projectors associated with laplacians on spheres and nilpotent groups
- study of finite dimensional quantum models: controllability for networks with symmetries and problems of minimum time
- applied acoustics
- energy management
- energy analysis of industrial and building systems
- heat recovery
- absorption systems
- two phase heat exchange
- thermophysical properties of refrigerants
- nanofluids
- refrigeration
- alternative fuels
- hydraulics
- hydromechanical transmissions for vehicular applications
- industrial fans
- combustion instability
- industrial metallurgical processes (iron and steel, foundry, welding, powder metallurgy) and their simulation
- ferrous alloys (carbon and stainless steels, cast irons) and non ferrous alloys (aluminium, magnesium, titanium alloys)
- innovative materials (metal matrix composites, semi-solid cast alloys)
DTG has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DBC (Department of Cultural Heritage: Archeology, History of Art, Cinema and Music)
- Theater, Music and Cinema
- Theory, methods and criticism of Cultural Heritage
- History, Art and Material Culture
- Territorial planning, protection and enhancement of the Cultural Heritage
- Applied technologies to Cultural Heritage
- Landscapes, settlements and architecture from prehistory to the contemporary
FISPPA (Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology)
- Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
- Moral and Political Philosophy
- Aesthetics and Theoretical
- Philosophy of Logic, Science and Language
- Intercultural Relations
- Innovation and Social change
- Structural Processes and Social Transformations
- Religion and Spirituality
- Educational skills in formal, non-formal and informal contexts
- Basic and applied pedagogical research
- Educational and didactic research
- Historical research in the education field
- Occupational Pedagoy and adult education
- Research, training and evaluation in schools, in Higher Education and in social contexts
- Education and families
- Analysis of psychosocial processes
- Psycho-social and cultural constructions
- Occupational and organization psychology
- Psychotherapy and clinical interventions modelling
- Life and professional design
- Evolutionary psychology
DPG (Department of General Psychology)
- Quantitative Psychology Laboratory
- Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
- Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
- Developmental and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
- PsyMed, Health and Medical Psychology Laboratory
- Human Technology Lab
- Neuroscience of Movement Lab
- Experimental Psychopathology Lab
- Science of Consciousness Research Group
- Memory & Learning Lab
- Cognitive Reserve Index Group
- Experimental & Applied Psychophysics Group
- Bressan-Kramer Research Group
- Animal Behaviour and Cognition Lab
- Psychophysiology Lab
- Comparative Cognition Lab
DPG has been recognizes as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DSEA (Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno”)
- Banking and finance
- Business and economic of crime
- Corporate social responsibility
- Development economics
- Economic analysis in an historical perspective
- Economic geography and regional economics
- Economics and management of innovation
- Energy and environmental economics and management
- Financial accounting
- Game theory and industrial economics
- Governance, disclosure and performance
- Health economics
- International business
- Knowledge management and entrepreneurship
- Labour economics and economics of ageing
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomic theory
- Operations and supply chain management
- Organization and human resource management
- Public economics
Check the DSEA Research Areas web page
DSEA has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DSS (Department of Statistical Sciences)
- Statistical Methodology
- Economic Statistics
- Social Statistics
- Demograpghy
Check the DSS Research Areas web page
DSS has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
DISSGEA (Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World)
- Territory
- Cultural Studies
- Institutions, Policies, Justice
- Landscape
- Violence
- Gender Studies
- Texts
- Economics
- Heritage
- Religions
- Global and Area Studies
Check the DISSGEA Research Areas web page
DISSGEA has been recognized as one of the 180 Italian Departments of Excellence
International Research Office
via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padova, Italy
tel. +39 049.827 1947 / 1948 / 1945
fax +39 049.827 1911