Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Staff Exchanges (MSCA SE)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchanges are provided by the European Commission to implement short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities of participating organisations.
Who can apply?
Staff Exchanges are open to international consortia of universities, research institutions, businesses, SMEs and other non-academic organisations.
Key aspects
The consortium must consist of
- at least three organisations in three different countries, two of which need to be located in a different EU Member State (MS) or Horizon Europe Associated Country (AC);
- above this minimum, the participation of organisations from any country is possible;
- if all participating organisations are from the same sector (academic or non-academic), at least one must be from a non-associated Third Country.
Staff funded by Staff Exchanges
- can be researchers at any career stage, as well as administrative, technical or managerial staff involved in research and innovation activities for at least one month prior to the secondment;
- can be of any nationality;
- should return to their sending organisation after the secondment, to pass on their knowledge and foster collaboration.
Staff exchanges between organisations in EU MS or Horizon Europe AC are required to be between different sectors (academic or non-academic), except if they are interdisciplinary. For partnerships with non-associated Third Countries, exchanges within the same sector and the same discipline are allowed.
What can be funded?
- The grant funds the mobility of seconded staff members from one month to one year: a top-up allowance for travel, accommodation, subsistence costs + a special needs allowance, if applicable.
- Research, training and networking contribution.
- Management and indirect contribution.
Staff Exchanges projects can last up to four years. The EU contribution indicated is calculated on the basis of the planned secondments eligible for funding. The maximum number of secondments eligible for funding is 360 person-months.
How to apply?
Relevant call documents include:
- MSCA Work Programme
- MSCA-SE Guide for Applicants.
They are both available in the “Funding and Tenders Opportunities” Portal: Funding & tenders (europa.eu)
For information about the support provided by the University of Padua, please write to individual.grants@unipd.it.
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via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padova, Italy
tel. +39 049.827 1947 / 1945
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