EIT KIC RM Projects@Unipd
The University of Padua has been participating in EIT RawMaterials calls since the KIC establishment in 2015, being involved in the following 18 financed projects, for a total EIT funding of over three million Euros:
RefresCO: Professional Refresher Courses
ADMADP: Advanced Materials Doctoral Programme for Doctoral Education
Nol LightBody: Infrastructure and expertise network for Lightweight mobility: body and chassis
MetLight: Network of Infrastructure for Metal-based Lightweight Materials
RAWMATS-4-POWERTRAIN: Raw Material Solution for the European Powertrain Industry
LightRight: Materials for lightweight design – how to treat them right
ReSiELP: Recovery of Silicon and other materials from End-of-Life Photovoltaic Panels
4L-Alloys: Life Long Learning on Light Alloys: from Raw Materials to Sustainable Products
CLLEFE-II: Concept for Life Long Education for Foundry Employees II
DERMAP: Design of components in a critical Raw Materials Perspective
RAIDMAP: Raw Ideas for Materials Projects
Lightright2point0: Materials for lightweight design – how to treat them right 2.0
MineHeritage: Historical Mining – tracing and learning from ancient materials and mining technique
e-CirP: Embedding Circular Economy into Product Design and Optimization
WAPOL: Waste materials for Antimony substitution in flame retarded POLymers
IDEAL: Industrial ResiDues for Smart FirE – resistant PhotocataLytic Components
RAIDMAP2: Raw Ideas for Materials Projects 2
ALPE: Advanced Low-Platinum hierarchical Electrocatalysts for low-T fuel cells
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