Inclusive Language

The construction of an inclusive context requires the use of a language that refers to the most accredited conceptual models and what is supported by international bodies to which Italy also refers, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the European Community.
Inclusive language is part of a new way of conceiving disabilities, vulnerabilities, difficult conditions and diversity as a whole. It can help us to overcome obsolete modes, which conveys stigmatized, distorted - and often offensive - images.
Some expressions are considered 'highly stigmatizing', such as “disabled”, “handicapped”, “paraplegic”, “dyslexic”, and “autistic”, as they identify the person with just one of the attributes that characterize them. On the contrary, the presence of a disability is only one aspect of someone's life.
The word 'disabled' is not only stigmatizing, but also incorrect from a scientific point of view. While hiding behind a façade of respectability and political correctness, this expression is actually charged, in the best of cases, with paternalism and pietism.
In fact, we are all disabled, as each one of us can be categorized and defined within the so-called “Gaussian distribution” or “Law of errors”, and any group, regardless of trait or aspect, manifests inter-individual variability.
Similarly, expressions such as ‘suffers from’ and 'is affected by' are considered inadequate as they imply the belief that the person is 'sick', 'suffering' and a 'victim' of a disability that resides within them.
Today, the most accredited conceptual models on inclusion and disabilities - such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - invite to give attention and value firstly to people and only at a later stage, and if necessary, to the attributes that characterize only part of their life.
Example of inclusive language
- Marco Rossi, or name surname of a person
- Abha Kumar, or name surname of a person
- Person with disability
- Person with hearing impairment
- Person with visual impairment
- Person with autism
- Person with Down Syndrome
- Person with motor impairment
- Person with a mental health condition
- Person with a story of addiction
- Person with a story of migration
- Person with dyslexia
- Student with specific learning difficulties (SLD)
- Student with linguistic difficulties
- Worker with disability
In this area, further resources regarding inclusive language will be provided, allowing us to broaden our thoughts, stimulate conversation and promote the use of a language that respects all people, making communication more effective and respectful of the dignity of everyone.