Stays over 90 days
European Union Nationals
To stay in Italy for more than 90 days, you have to register with the “Temporary Population Register” (Schedario della popolazione temporanea) at the Town Hall Registry Offices (Ufficio Anagrafe del Comune).
Teachers and researchers may use the services of the International Office (SAOS) free-of-charge.
You will need:
- your passport or other valid identity document;
- your tax identification number (codice fiscale);
- a work contract or declaration of the Department where the research is carried out;
- proof of sufficient funds to support yourself;
- proof of health insurance;
- a rental contract or other proof of accommodation;
- a €16 marca da bollo (duty stamp);
Non-European Union nationals
For research stays of more than 90 days for non-European citizens or stateless persons, the University applies for clearance authorisation for scientific research, which enables such persons to apply for a scientific research visa and then for a residence permit for scientific research purposes. The whole procedure takes about 40 days.
To obtain clearance, it is necessary to stipulate a “Welcome Convention”, which establishes the nature and conditions of the research work, indicates the researcher’s monthly financial resources (which must amount to at least twice welfare benefit payments), and verifies the existence of resources for the return journey, a health insurance policy for the researcher and his/her family, or the University’s obligation to register them with the Italian National Health Service.
The research project must be approved by the University administration, which will evaluate its aims, the researcher’s qualifications, and the availability of sufficient funds to complete the project.
The University of Padua's staff and international teachers and researchers may use the SAOS services free-of-charge. SAOS will fill in an FR form to apply for clearance authorisation and send it to the Italian Immigration Authorities (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione). If the police accept the application, the Sportello Unico will issue clearance authorisation and send it to the Italian embassy/consulate concerned. The international researcher can then apply to the Italian embassy/consulate in his/her home country for an entry visa (within 6 months from the issue of clearance).
SAOS - Servizio Accoglienza Ospiti Stranieri
Palazzo Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, 35122 Padova
Book an appointment with the SAOS Desk