Transferring to another Italian university
Non-EU students residing in Italy with a valid residence permit issued for study purposes (i.e. released after enrolment in a degree programme at an Italian University) will have to follow the transfer procedure, under penalty of automatic forfeiture of the residence permit.
Avoid withdrawing from your current enrolment as this entails automatically losing any residence permit rights. After the transfer procedure is successful you will be able to apply for residence permit renewal.
Students wishing to transfer must have passed and registered at least one exam in their previous career/year in order to renew their residence permit.
If you wish to transfer to another Italian university, you need to follow different steps.
To transfer to another university, it is necessary to:
- Gather information from the destination university regarding the enrollment procedures for the chosen course of study. Specifically, it is necessary to inquire about:
- deadlines for submitting the incoming transfer application;
- admission requirements, any entrance exams, or other selection methods;
- deadlines by which the transfer certificate must be received by the other university.
- Check on Uniweb if:
- the exams taken are correctly recorded and if there are any outstanding tuition fees that need to be paid;
- for fees that have been paid but not yet recorded and for those recently paid, it is necessary to send a photocopy of the receipts to the Student Services Office via email at benefici.studenti@unipd.it, indicating your student ID number. To complete the transfer, all tuition fees must be up to date until the 2023/2024 academic year.
- Submit the application on Uniweb, following all the steps indicated in the manual. Note: the application is considered complete only with the payment of the stamp duty and the forwarding of the confirmation email to the Student Careers Office (more information in the manual). Only transfer applications to Italian universities are accepted.
Note: those interested in benefits for the right to study and the allocation of reduced contribution brackets must consult the relevant announcement published by the Regional Agency for the Right to University Education valid for the destination university. In particular, before making the transfer, it is necessary to consider that the academic career, for the purposes of granting benefits and allocating reduced contribution brackets, is evaluated from the year of first enrollment at the university, regardless of the recognitions obtained or the year of the course in which you will be placed. This could result in the loss of benefits following the transfer.
Timeframes for application submission
- From July 16, 2024, to September 30, 2024, without the obligation to enroll in the 2024/25 academic year and in compliance with the payments for the 2023/24 academic year.
- From October 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, by paying the first installment of the university fees for the 2024/25 academic year.
- From January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025, by paying all installments of the university fees for the 2024/25 academic year
It is always possible to withdraw from studies to make a new enrollment in the new university.
It is always possible to submit a withdrawal application in order to enroll anew at a different university.
Once the application is submitted, a notification of the transfer will be sent via email; subsequently, you need to contact the destination university to complete the enrollment process.
Note: If the continuation of studies at the destination university is regulated by a ranking list or requires the issuance of a clearance certificate nulla osta, the transfer application must be submitted after the ranking results and/or the issuance of the clearance certificate nulla osta.
If, after enrolling at the new university, you decide to return to the University of Padua, you can only do so in the following academic year, subject to a preliminary evaluation application and credit recognition, and within the deadlines set for transfers from another university.