Alias careers
The Alias Career introduced in 2013 (record n.7/2013, meeting of the Academic Senate of May 6,2013), aims to ensure to students of the University of Padua respect, dignity and privacy, including measures to protect anyone who needs to use, within the University, a “selected” name that is different from his or her personal name, as an expression of their gender self-identification.
Students enrolled in a bachelor’s degree programme, a master's degree programme, a single-cycle master's degree programme and any postgraduate programme with the University of Padua may submit an application for the activation of an Alias Career. In may 2022, the University approved new guidelines for the activation of Career Alias, with a view to procedural simplification and to better protect the confidentiality of requesting transgender people.
Activation Procedures
To activate an Alias career, you should submit by sending an e-mail to alias.studenti@unipd.it:
- The Alias Career activation request form;
- An identification document;
- 1 passport photo.
Activation of an Alias Career
On receipt of the application, a confidentiality agreement will be signed by the applicant and the Rector, specifying all the obligations and responsibilities relating to the use - exclusively within the University - of the Alias Career, together with the original career.
Once both parties have signed the agreement, the Student Office creates the Alias Career, by assigning a new provisional identity chosen by the applicant, which is transitional and not permanent.
The University then issues the e-mail account and the university badge with new personal details, which are valid exclusively for internal career actions such as:
- registration/booking of university examinations online through the university portal uniweb;
- taking examinations, including registration of the examination if the student passes the examination;
- access to the University premises such as lecture halls, libraries, study rooms, cafeteria, etc.
The Alias Career will in any case be inseparably associated with the original career, which is activated at the time of registration, and which refers to the applicant's personal identity.
This Alias Career will exist together with the original career throughout the duration of the career, unless the holder files a request to terminate the same, or until a final gender reassignment ruling is published by the competent court.
The Student Office carries out periodic updates in connection with the Alias Career, also recording them periodically in the official career (approximately within the first week of each month), so that the latter is always up-to-date and and may be used also externally.
In the event that the competent judicial authority authorises a gender assignment rectification, the gender change will affect the applicant's actual career and, consequently, the Alias Career will be closed.
For further information please write to alias.studenti@unipd.it
Student Careers Office
Casa Grimani
Lungargine del Piovego 2/3, 35131 Padova
Opening hours: by appointment only
Email: Padua office / Agripolis campus
Call centre tel. +39 049.8273131