Italian Erasmus National Mobility

Italian Erasmus is a national mobility programme set up by Ministerial Decree 548 of 28/03/2024 and is based on conventions established between the various Italian universities.
The University of Padua has entered into agreements with the following universities: University of Naples Federico II, University of Pavia and University of Pisa.

The agreements are aimed at supporting the construction of innovative study paths that promote interdisciplinarity and flexibility in the educational offer, strengthening integration and complementarity among the affiliated universities.
The mobility period must be continuous and of a minimum of three months up to a maximum of six months, to be used only in the second semester of the 2024/25 academic year.
A contribution of 600 euros per month is provided for those with an ISEE/ISEU 2024 for the right to study up to 36.000 euros.

Call for Italian Erasmus a.y. 2025/2026planned publication in May 2025

  Who can apply

Students enrolled to a bachelor or master’s degree for the a.y. 2023/2024 and obtained at least 18 credits by August 10 2024 can apply.

Master’s degree courses that activated the programme and available places are stated in the Annex 1.

  How to apply

The application to participate in the Italian Erasmus programme must be submitted in Uniweb (link a in the "Initiatives" section from July 15 to August 27, 2024

A maximum of three preferences can be expressed based on the agreements defined by the course of study with one or more universities. In case you want to indicate more than one preference, it is necessary to express the order of preference (1 for the first preference, 2 for the second preference and 3 for the third preference).

  Selection Criteria and Rankings

Ranking is based on course of study, merit coefficient used for regional scholarship allocation and destination.

Places are allocated according to the merit coefficient and the order of preference expressed, in case of a tie the person who is younger in age has priority.

The person who is successful for one destination is automatically excluded from the ranking of the other preferences expressed.

  Period of mobility

The period of mobility must be in attendance and must be continuous.

The duration must be a minimum of three months (equal to 90 days) up to a maximum of six months.

The expected duration established for all positions is six months to be used exclusively in the second semester of the 2024/25 academic year and must necessarily end by September 30 2025.

The period of mobility must be certified by the host university both at the beginning of the mobility and at the end. For the purpose of granting the scholarship, only the period of dispensing of teaching activities and the examination session in which one participates, or the actual period of preparation of the thesis/internship, will be considered as the period of mobility; any recovery sessions, however, will not be counted.

During the mobility, it is possible to take courses, take exams, do internships or prepare the thesis at the host university according to the arrangements made by the course of study; for some courses of study, the activities that can be taken have already been defined (proposed learning agreement).

  Italian Erasmus - 2024-2025

The scholarship is in the amount of 600 euros per month and is provided for those who have an ISEE/ISEU 2024 for the right to university study up to 36.0000 euros.

To obtain the scholarship, it is necessary to submit the ISEE/ISEU 2024, complete and confirm the "Application for Benefits" in Uniweb ( by the deadline of the announcement.

For students receiving the grant, a down payment of 1,800 euros, equal to three monthly payments, is due within the month following the submission of the certificate of the beginning of the mobility period.

The full amount of the grant will be paid the month following the delivery of the documentation certifying the activities carried out in mobility.

In any case, in order to receive the full grant, it is necessary to have acquired at least 6 cfu at the host university and to have carried out a mobility period of at least three months, otherwise the scholarship is revoked.

Payment for months not fully used is calculated in days at an amount equal to 20 euros per day, for example: 3 months (October-November-December) and 10 days the total amount is: 3 months (1800€) +  10 days x 20 euros (200 euros) = 2000€.

  Learning agreement and procedures for starting and ending mobility

Before departure, it is necessary to fill out the learning agreement indicating the educational activities that one intend to carry out at the host university.

The learning agreement must be approved by the professor(s) of reference of the course of study and by the host university. It is possible to modify the learning agreement during the period of mobility.

Within seven days of the start of the mobility period, you must ask to the host university the declaration of the start of the mobility period and upload the learning agreement signed by the host university by opening a ticket in the dedicated platform.

Within seven days after the end of the mobility period it is necessary to ask to the host univerity the declaration of the end of the mobility period and upload the final learning agreement, if any, by opening a ticket in the dedicated platform.

In case of thesis preparation work or internship, it is necessary to attach along with the declaration of the end of the mobility period also the certificate of the thesis/internship work signed and stamped by the professor/tutor of the host university.

Confirmation of passed exams, and the declaration of the start and the end of the mobility period are sent directly from the host university to the University of Padua.

  Recognition of passed activities

Within 30 days after the end of the mobility and after receiving all the necessary documentation the Student Careers Office shall proceed to the recognition of activities based on the last learning agreement approved and proof of passed exams and activities. It can be recognized also the total or partial thesis work based on the certificate issued by the professor/tutor of the host university.

However, the thesis dissertation must always take place at the University of Padua.

The student is responsible for providing documentation on time to meet the deadlines for registration for the purpose of scholarships, housing and/or degree sessions.

  Information and contacts

The Call for Applications is coordinated and managed by the Student Careers Office.

  • For information, it is necessary to open a ticket in the dedicated platform.
  • For information regarding the teaching activity to be carried out at the affiliated Universities, it is necessary to refer to the Chair of the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
  • For the application procedure in Uniweb and for Erasmus Italian scholarship payments, it is necessary to refer to the Student Services Office - Economic Benefits Sector. Email: