Members of the EU Research HUB@UNIPD
UNIPD | International Research Office
4 PhD research advisors with specialization in the three scientific macro-areas:
Life Sciences
Barbara Mantelli, PhD
email: barbara.mantelli@unipd.it
Barbara Mantelli received a doctoral degree in Biomedicine in 2014 and a master degree in Biological Sciences in 2004. Over the period 2005-2015 she worked as scientist in the field of immunology of infectious diseases and vaccine development. In 2016 she joined the International Research Office as EU funding expert in the Life Sciences domain (LS) supporting researchers during the following steps: a) monitoring of EU funding opportunities, b) development of proposal ideas and consortium building, c) continuous revision of FET, ERC and collaborative proposals. She is an Independent External Expert for the COST Action.
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Giovanni Curi, PhD
email: giovanni.curi@unipd.it
Since 2015 he has been collaborating with the International Research Office at the University of Padova, as Research and EU funding expert in the area of Physical Sciences and Engineering. Over these years he supported researchers of the University of Padova in all phases of proposal writing, from brainstorming on proposal ideas and consortium definition, to continuous revision of every part of the proposal draft. As invited lecturer, he held courses and lectures on proposal writing, he also acted as Independent External Expert for the COST Action, as well as consultant on International Funds for Union Camere Veneto (Italy). Over 2004-2013 he was awarded several post-doctoral fixed-term research positions in Mathematical Logic, at the Universities of Padova, Verona, and Birmingham (UK). He was awarded a master degree in Mathematics (1998), a Ph.D. with excellence in Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science (1999-2004), and the National Scientific Qualification (as Associate Professor) in Mathematical Logic (2014). He published on the main scientific journals in the areas of Algebra, Logic, and Theoretical Computer Science, and gave more than 20 invited talks in international conferences. In 2010 he was awarded the silver medal of the Gödel Research Prize.
Ilaria Rodella, PhD
Ilaria Rodella was awarded a doctoral degree in Earth Sciences at Ferrara University in 2015. She works on coastal processes and erosion management, human impacts, treatments and reuse of polluted sediments. She has been collaborating for the Ministry for the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea and for the Ministry of Agro-Forestry and Fisheries Policies, on the application of European directives in Italy. As research and financial manager at the University of Ferrara (2009-2018), she was involved in the writing, review and management of several European projects. Since 2018 she has been providing support to the project proposal design in the PE field, screening and promoting funding opportunities, organizing information and training events, drafting project proposals with specific reference to the Horizon 2020, Life and Interreg programmes. From 2019 she acts as research advisor for individual and collaborative funding at the University of Padova.
Social Sciences and Humanities
Lisa Pagotto, PhD
email: lisa.pagotto@unipd.it
Lisa Pagotto was awarded a Master Degree in Social, Work and Communication Psychology (2005) and a PhD in Personality and Social Psychology (2010) at the University of Padova. After a few years of post-doc fixed-term positions focusing on social psychology, intergroup relations, prejudice reduction and helping behaviours, in 2016 she started to work at the International Research Office at the University of Padova. As Research Advisor, she currently provides support to researchers in SSH disciplines for the submission of international projects, mainly funded by the EC. Her main activities include i) analysing, mapping and monitoring international funding opportunities; ii) informing researchers about upcoming calls and helping them to find topics and opportunities that match their interests; iii) assisting researchers in writing project proposals; iv) organizing info-days, educational workshops and training events for the design of international research projects.
International Research Office
via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padova, Italy
tel. +39 049.827 1947 / 1948 / 1945
fax +39 049.827 1911