
帕多瓦大学校长公开信: 团结一心,互相支持,紧密合作,共抗疫情


近日,新型冠状病毒Covid-19在意大利的蔓延引起了世界的关注。意大利政府迅速采取措施,应对疫情,第一时间对出现可疑症状的群众及其密切接触者进行冠状病毒检测、隔离,并对确认患者进行治疗。 为避免疫情进一步发展,意大利政府和受疫情影响大区立即召开协调工作会议,并发布通知,取消节日庆典、足球联赛等可能出现人群聚集的活动,区域内学校也陆续发布停课通知。 



我校校长Rosario Rizzuto 教授对疫情的发展及防疫工作十分关注,积极配合意大利政府及威尼托大区相关部门的开展相关工作。Rizzuto教授一直关注着中国疫情的发展,同时也对中国伙伴、同事、学生十分挂心。

Dear Chinese Students,

the Coronavirus infection, which has hit your country hard - causing the implementation of drastic measures to prevent a pandemic spread, has now reached also Italy, and the province of Padua, causing growing concerns.

Restrictions have been applied in our Region, and within the University - such as the decision to block allactivities that gather large numbers of people and thus could potentially favour the diffusion of the virus. In particular, the calendar of the University lessons and exams has been postponed of one week, in agreement with the national and regional health authorities.

In these days, I wish to reaffirm that you can count on the strong support of our University during you in your stay in Padova.  As you know, we have implemented a number of measures to guarantee maximal safety to all our students, and a dedicated phone line of theUniversity Infectious Disease Department for the University personnel and students (providing information, support, and if necessary medical assistance).Trained and qualified staff answers also in English language, and I encourage you to utilize it.

Moreover, we are close to the Chinese people who are suffering the heaviest burden of the disease.

As to our Chinese students, we are grateful and proud of their choice of studying in our University, and we will not only support them in case of health needs but also defend them from anyprejudice or, worse, hostility they may encounter.

Solidarity and friendship are cardinal virtues, as is openness - a founding value of our University (UniversaUniversis Patavina Libertas).

You are the most welcome in the University of Padova and in the City.









 团结和友谊是重要的美德,开放包容也是。正如我们的大学创立时的初衷:“Universa Universis Patavina Libertas” ,即“为帕多瓦、宇宙以及全人类的自由而奋斗!”



