Participating in the learning-teaching process
Students can take an active role in improving their education and training by participating in the learning-teaching process. Being a part of the process is a right not to take for granted.
The University of Padua offers a comprehensive Quality Assurance System to ensure the effectiveness of its teaching-learning process. Students can contribute to this process in various ways:
- knowing who they are and maintaining contact with various University representatives
- running for office and voting in elections for new representatives
- submitting online questionnaires after a course and before taking final exams (results are published online)
Composed of various groups (GAV, CPDS, NDV, and CPQD), the Quality Assurance System of the University of Padua requires that each group includes the presence and active participation of a student component.
Each year, the University of Padua dedicates a week to improving its teaching-learning process by welcoming the entire academic community to review the online questionnaire results and discuss initiatives to improve future outcomes.