MSCA ITN Projects - Previous years
Soni Deshwal - RADical reduction of OXidative stress in cardiovascular diseases (RADOX)
Soni comes from India. She obtained a Master’s degree in Molecular Genetics from the University of Leicester, UK. She is a PhD student within RADOX network and works with Professor Di Lisa at the Department of Biomedical Sciences. She is studying the role and contribution of monoamine oxidases to oxidative stress and cardiac dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy.
Jaime Hernán González Libreros - European Network for Durable reinforcement and Rehabilitation Solutions (ENDURE)
Jaime comes from Colombia. He is a Civil Engineer from the National University of Colombia and worked in the design and seismic vulnerability assessment of concrete structures, including heritage buildings. He got a master degree in Earthquake Engineering at Rose School (Pavia) and a master in Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions from Czech Technical University and the University of Padua in 2010.
His research project, supervised by Prof. Carlo Pellegrino at the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Padua, will investigate the complex mechanisms of cracking and failure of FRP shear-strengthened beams with internal web reinforcement and develop improved design recommendations.
Petr Hermanek - International Network for the Training of Early stage Researchers on Advanced Quality control by Computed Tomography (INTERAQCT )
Petr Hermanek comes from The Czech Republic. He graduated with a master degree at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2012 and worked as Quality engineer/Computed tomography (CT) specialist in Robert Bosch company in The Czech Republic. He is now working under the supervision of Dr. Simone Carmignato of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) at the research project INTERAQCT (“International Network for the Training of Early stage Researchers on Advanced Quality control by Computed Tomography”): he is responsible for the development of calibration objects and methods for achieving full traceability of CT measurements and the development of procedures for comparison with CMM measurements and nominal data.
Website of the project: www.interaqct.eu
Siamak Farajzadeh Khosroshahi - MOTOrcycle Rider Integrated SafeTy (MOTORIST)
Siamak Farajzadeh Khosroshahi comes from Iran. He graduated with masters in Mechanical Engineering at the Bu-Ali-Sina University and worked on material behaviour characterization under dynamic loadings. After his graduation he worked as FEM analyst and design engineer in SAZEH Co.
His research project MOTORIST (MOTOrcycle Rider Integrated SafeTy),supervised by Prof. Ugo Galvanetto at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) of the University of Padua, will investigate the possibilities to reduce the risk of accidental injuries for motorcycle riders, trying to identify new materials for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and to simulate their mechanical behaviour in innovative PPE.
Dora Nagy - Diapause and neuropeptides (INsecTIME)
Dora comes from Hungary. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Biochemical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. She is involved in INsecTIME project as PhD student. She is investigating the role of different neuropeptides in the diapausing behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster, focusing especially on the possible involvement of the small-ventrolateral neurons and corazonin neurons in the regulation of this phenomenon. She works at the Department of Biology with Professor Rodolfo Costa.
Jitendra Rathore - International Network for the Training of Early stage Researchers on Advanced Quality control by Computed Tomography (INTERAQCT)
Jitendra Rathore comes from India. He graduated with a master degree in Process Technology from RWTH Aachen University Germany in May 2014 and carried out his master thesis and internship in Netherlands at Tata Steel Europe. He also received DAAD-WISE scholarship during his Bachelors. He
is now working under the supervision of Dr. Simone Carmignato of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) at the research project INTERAQCT (“International Network for the Training of Early stage Researchers on Advanced Quality control by Computed Tomography”): he is responsible for developing an integral quality control loop for micro injection moulding by using CT to indirectly assess melt pressure inside a micro cavity by measuring the filling degree of secondary micro features, used as model-based indirect sensors and placed in different locations of the moulded component.
Nima Sabokrouhiyeh - Hydrodynamic Transport in Ecologically Critical Heterogeneous Interfaces (HYTECH)
Nima comes from Iran, he received his Master’s degree in Water Resources Engineering at Lund University, Sweden and collaborated with the Polish Academy of Science on a coastal engineering project and participated in an environmental project at Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran.
He obtained a PhD position in 2014 within HYTECH projects, working under the supervision of Professor Andrea Marion at the Department of Industrial Engineering. The research project deals with mass transport in wetlands and optimal design of vegetation patterns.
Sabra Zanini - Towards Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cardiovascular Surgery (TECAS)
Sabra Zanini comes from Morocco. She completed her Diploma degree in Biotechnology at the Technical University of Berlin. In 2014 she was Research assistant at the German Heart Institute Berlin. She has experience with developing and processing an artificial heart valve from animal pericardial tissue and expertise in biomechanical stimulation of cell seeded tissue engineering constructs. Her task in the project TECAS (Towards Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cardiovascular Surgery) is to evaluate the preservation methods commonly used by tissue banks on cell-seeded tissue engineering constructs in order to transfer the optimal method to the clinical sector. She is working under the supervision of prof. Gerosa Gino of the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences.
Anabela Cepa Areias - Towards Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cardiovascular Surgery (TECAS)
Anabela is Portoguese. She graduated in Bioscience; she obtained a Master in Micro and Nanotechnology and an Executive Master in Bioengineering Systems. She conducted her research on cell behavior in nano structured materials and Electrospun nano fibers for tissue engineering.
Her PhD project is integrated in an ITN program, TECAS - Tissue Engineering for Cardiovascular Surgery. Her focus is the study the effect of long and medium- term preservation in decellularized tissues which were previously repopulated. She works at the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences with Professor Gino Gerosa.
Duc Toan Cao - Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris flows (MuMoLaDe)
Duc Toan comes from Vietnam. He worked in Porous media for elastostatic and elastodynamic saturated/ unsaturated soils during five years in Portugal and obtained his PhD at Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal.
Now he has a postdoctoral research position in MUMOLADE project. His works are modelling the dynamic analysis of catastrophic landslides considering thermo-poro-mechanical effects. His supervisors are Professor Bernhard Schrefler and Professor Lorenzo Sanavia at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering.
ductoan.cao@unipd.it / toancaoduc@gmail.com
Website of the project : www.mumolade.com
Pedro Guimarães Sá Correia - Retinal VAscular Modelling, Measurement and Diagnosis, (REVAMMAD)
Pedro comes from Portugal. He obtained a Master in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Coimbra and then was granted a research fellowship at the Institute of Biomedical Research in Light and Image.
He is involved in REVAMMAD project as PhD student. He works at the Department of Information Engineering under the supervision of Professor Alfredo Ruggeri. He explores the potential of conjunctiva vessel imaging for the diagnosis and/or progress monitoring of systemic diseases related to the circulatory system.
Maria Lazari - Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris flows (MuMoLaDe)
Maria comes from Greece. Her research topic concerned the bearing capacity of strip footing on slopes and embankments and the estimation of their displacements due to seismic loads. During her Master thesis she studied the strain rate effect on the residual strength of soil materials and their impact on the behaviour of slopes under earthquake induced movements.
She is involved in MuMoLaDe project as PhD student. Her projects focuses on the implementation of regularization techniques, viscoplasticity and non-local theories focusing on the elimination of mesh sensitivity and strain localization phenomena in the numerical simulation of multiphase having as an ultimate goal the multiphase numerical analysis of slope failure due to rainfall. Her supervisors are Professor Bernhard Schrefler and Professor Lorenzo Sanavia from the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering.
maria.lazari@unipd.it - lazari.maria1@gmail.com
Website of the project: www.mumolade.com
Catia Marisa Lourenço Fidalgo - Towards Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cardiovascular Surgery (TECAS)
Catia comes from Portugal. She obtained a Degree and a Master in Biomedical Engineering. She has experience in development and characterization of biomaterials for bone tissue engineering.
Since 2013 she has been involved in TECAS project as Phd student and works at the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences with Professor Gino Gerosa. Her goal is to develop novel disinfection/sterilization and preservation techniques for the decellularised tissues used in the project.
catiamfidalgo@gmail.com, catiamarisa.lourencofidalgo@studenti.unipd.it
Sugat Ratna Tuladhar - Towards Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cardiovascular Surgery (TECAS)
Sugat Ratna comes from Nepal. He graduated in Biomedical Engineering at Purbanchal University (Nepal); obtained an International Master in Biomedical Engineering in Belgium (Ghent University) and a Master in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Aachen in Germany.
Currently he is involved as PhD student in the ITN Project TECAS, supervised by Professor Gino Gerosa. His work deals with developing a percutaneous heart valve (PHV), using decellularised porcine/bovine pericardium.
Jeffrey Wigdahl - Retinal VAscular Modelling, Measurement and Diagnosis, (REVAMMAD)
Jeff comes from the USA. He got a Master’s degree from the University of New Mexico in Electrical Engineering with a focus in Image Processing. He spent three years working at a biomedical imaging company doing research and development in the automatic detection of retinal diseases in fundus photography.
His PhD project within the REVAMMAD ITN is in Retinal vascular measurement: diagnostic feature extraction. Relevant features include those relating to geometry, e.g., tortuosity, vascular narrowing, angle of vessel bifurcation, fractal measures. Applications will be in the area of hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy, and of retinopathy of prematurity.
Jeff conducts his research project at the Department of Information Engineering under the supervision of Professor Alfredo Ruggeri.
Website of the project: http://revammad.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/
Maria Soledad Aronna - Sensibility Analysis for Deterministic Control Design (SADCO)
Maria Soledad comes from Argentina. She finished her Undergraduate Studies in 2007 at Universidad Nacional de Rosario, in Argentina, and in 2011 she got a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique, France.
She spent 12 months at the Department of Mathematics as a postdoctoral student within SADCO project, whose scientist in charge is Professor Fabio Ancona. Together with her Supervisor, Professor Franco Rampazzo, worked on Impulsive Control Problems
Website of the project: http://itn-sadco.inria.fr/
Elisangela Guzi de Moraes - Functional Nitrides for Energy Applications (FUNEA)
Elisangela comes from Brazil. She obtained a Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering
at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil.
Currently she is involved as PhD student in the ITN Project FUNEA, envisaging the development of gas filters for high temperature and harsh environment applications under the supervision of Prof.
Paolo Colombo.The research project consists in the development of tailored porous Si3N4–based ceramics using various approaches as oil/water emulsions; gelcasting using proteins (ovalbumin) and hydrocolloids (agar-agar and methylcellulose), and also alternative blowing agents as carbonate water and sodium bicarbonate.
lisguzi@gmail.com, elisangela.guzidemoraes@studenti.unipd.it
Evanthia Kakogiannou - Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris flows (MuMoLaDe)
Evanthia comes from Greece. She obtained a Master’s degree in Geotechnical Engineering from École de Ponts ParisTech (ENPC) and conducted research in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering with emphasis on Landslide risk analysis, design of shallow foundations, and design of sheet-pile walls.
She is involved in MuMoLaDe project as PhD student. Her research focuses on the finite element modelling of rainfall induced slope failure initiation with a multiphase model for elasto-plastic porous media. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the use of physically-based modelling concepts for the timing and the prediction of the failure through simulation of real case studies. Her supervisors are Professor Bernhard Schrefler and Professor Lorenzo Sanavia from the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering.
Website of the project: www.mumolade.com
Joao Meireles - Sensibility Analysis for Deterministic Control Design (SADCO)
Joao obtained a Degree in Pure Mathematic from Universidade de Lisboa and a Master degree in Mathematics from Instituto Superior Tecnico.
He is involved in SADCO project as PhD student at the Department of Mathematics. The scientist in charge of the project is professor Fabio Ancona. Joao studies singular perturbation problems of a certain class of optimal stochastic control problems and prove the convergence of the value function to the solution of a limit (effective) Cauchy problem. The ideas and methods used are of the theory of viscosity solutions and stochastic ergodic control problems. His supervisor is Professor Martino Bardi.
Website of the project: http://itn-sadco.inria.fr/
Inès Ponsot - Glass ceramic composites from inorganic waste recycling and novel process (GLaCERCo)
Inès is French. She graduated at the Engineering School in Industrial Ceramics of Limoges and worked on quality management as R&D Engineer in a vitreous tile manufacturer in France during two years.
She is now involved in the ITN project GLaCERCo as PhD student under the supervision of Professor Enrico Bernardo. Her goal is to valorise and recycle inorganic wastes through their inertisation at high temperature treatment (1000°C), in order to produce E-building materials made of glass ceramic.
Van Luong Nguyen - Sensibility Analysis for Deterministic Control Design (SADCO)
Van Luong comes from Vietnam, he obtained a four year degree in mathematics from Hong Duc University, Vietnam in 2007 and was a master student from September 2009 to March 2011 at the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
Since 2011 he has been involved in SADCO project (scientist in charge of the project: professor Fabio Ancona) as PhD student at the Department of Mathematics. He investigates the regularity properties of the minimum-time function for both nonlinear and linear control systems with his PhD supervisor, Professor Giovanni Colombo.
Website of the project: http://itn-sadco.inria.fr/