Interaction with work environment
Offering Jobs and Meeting Students
The University of Padua aims to bring together demand and supply in the job market through direct contact and continuous dialogue with businesses and organizations. It promotes career opportunities in Italy and abroad for students and graduates through job windows, which are complemented by other channels:
- Company-student meetings
- Università aperta - Career Day: Career days are one-day fairs that provide students with the chance to meet employers face-to-face, to learn about current vacancies and opportunities available, and to market themselves to prospective employers. They are also an extremely effective way to advertise your vacancies, company’s graduate schemes and available internships.
If you are wishing to register an interest in exhibiting at any of the fairs below, or require further information, please email the Career Service at
Post an offer of employment in the job window
The Job window - positions in Italy and the Job window - positions abroad offer numerous job and career opportunities exclusively for students and graduates of the University of Padua. These pages are regularly updated.
To post a job offer:
- register the company on the site (only if the service is being used for the first time) using the on line form and wait for credentials to be sent to the e-mail address supplied;
- enter the username and password received in the mail to access the reserved area;
- enter the required information in the form.
The Careers Service will match the offer to the training profiles of the University, and if the outcome is positive, the offer will be posted anonymously. If requested, the Service will also help with analysis of the company’s needs and definition of recruitment profiles. Offers will remain posted on the site for a period of three months, which can be extended.
Candidates who respond spontaneously will be assessed, and their details referred to the company. CVs can be consulted by companies in the reserved area. If candidates who respond are too few or unsuitable, the University will proceed to contact individuals with suitable profiles, extending the search to all CVs currently in the database.
If requested, the Service will conduct preselection interviews with candidates in order to provide the company with a short-list of suitable CVs.
Company presentations at the University
The University organizes events at which companies can present job offers or paid internships and establish direct contact with candidates. Descriptions of jobs and of available placements are assessed initially by the Placement and Careers Service.
The University makes lecture halls available and provides technical assistance, while also advertising the initiative to students and graduates. At the end of the presentation, the company can collect the CVs of the participants and conduct short get-to-know interviews.
Corporate presentations can be held in March-April-May, and October-November. To ensure the needs of all parties are met in the best way possible, dates should be booked as far ahead as possible. For more information and organizational details, please contact the office.
Hosting trainees
Companies willing to host students for traineeships have to:
Register in UniPD Careers
- Register the Company/Organization profile
- Wait for your confirmation e-mail
- Access your personal area by entering username (email) and password
- Fill the Organization Profile and the Contact Person details
- Wait for your confirmation
Publish internship offers
- Access the personal area
- Publish your offer in the Internship Abroad Platform
The Career Service will evaluate the offers, which have to comply with University of Padova’s students and graduates profiles.
After approval, the offers will be published on the platform for a maximum of three months, which may be extended.
If students apply the company will receive a notification via e-mail. CVs can be consulted in the reserved area.
Set up an internship
Whether you hired the trainee through UniPD Careers platform or other channels, to set up an internship with a University of Padova student you'll need to:
- Access the personal area
- Download the Training and Orientation Agreement with the University of Padova
- The Training and Orientation Agreement has to be signed, stamped and sent to the Career Service
- Sign the Training and Orientation Project provided by the trainee
- Wait for the countersigned Training and Orientation Agreement and Training and Orientation Project (this process will take up to 15 days)
For further guidance, please contact the Career Service.
Career Service
Palazzo Storione
riviera Tito Livio 6, 35123 Padova,
tel. 049.8273071 - fax 049.8273524
Public opening hours: Mon-Fri 10.00 - 14.00
Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00 - 17.00
Phone calls taken as follows: Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00
Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30
Teaching upon invitation
ERASMUS Staff Mobility - Teaching Assignments by Higher Education Institutions Teaching Staff and by Invited Staff from Enterprises
In the case of staff mobility from an enterprise to a higher education institution, the mobility is arranged by an invitation of the higher education institution to the staff member of the enterprise. The grant is always managed by the higher education home institution.
The institution inviting enterprise staff to teach applies for ERASMUS mobility grants to its national agency while the staff applies to their inviting institution.
For any further information about Invited Staff from Enterprises:
Programma LLP-Erasmus
Palazzo Bo
via VIII Febbraio, 2 - 35122 - Padova
Tel. +39 049 8273061 - Fax 0498273060
LAB-MOVIE Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam Universities
The University of Padova is coordinating LAB-MOVIE project, an Erasmus+ Capacity Building project in the field of Higher Education, implemented by a consortium including University of Salamanca, University Nova of Lisbon, Steps, Hanoi University, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Thai Nguyen University, Hanoi Association of Small & Medium Enterprises.
The LAB-MOVIE Project aims to create a Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam universities in order to analyse and understand the local labour market and acquire information about its demand and offer.
The specific objectives this project sets out to achieve are:
- To monitor the identified economic sectors, providing a brief national overview and a deeper description at local level;
- To understand and describe the enterprise’ structures and organisation;
- To list all the professional roles within the enterprises, and to describe them in detail (tasks, activities, required competencies and skills);
- To find out, together with the entrepreneurs, the training gaps of each professional role;
- To collect feedback and suggestions on the best training offer for young people, who would like to develop their job career;
- To activate a constructive dialogue between the teachers (who need to train students for the work) and enterprises (who create jobs thanks to their activities).
The Labour Market Observatory (LMO) will support universities in adapting their educational offer to the job market needs. University of Padova has activated its own LMO and for more than 20 years it has been studying almost all economic sectors. Through this project, University of Padova and the EU Partners intend to transfer their best practices to Vietnamese Universities in order to help them to implement their own observatory. LMO will collect, analyse and provide useful information to their students in order to guide them in the job search. This will improve the transition from University to the labour market and the employability of the graduates.
For further information you can visit
or contact the Career Service:
Voyage Erasmus+ : Opportunities for the young and graduates employability in Vietnam
The University of Padova is participating in Voyage project, an Erasmus+ Capacity Building project in the field of Higher Education, coordinated by AlmaLaurea.
The project aims at establishing in Vietnam a demand supply matching platform based on a graduates’ database designed for:
- collect and analyze data on universities and graduates performances
- facilitate the university-enterprise cooperation
- facilitate the placement of graduates in the labour market
- develop monitoring tools for university enterprise cooperation
- improve internal and external efficiency of the higher education system
The project envisages the following specific objectives:
- Implement the Vietnamese database of university graduates
- Produce the first Vietnamese Graduates Profile Survey in the Vietnamese partner universities
- Design of the first Vietnamese Graduates Job conditions Survey
- Set up a qualified System of Vietnamese Graduates Placement
- Produce the Best Practice guidelines & common learning for internship promotion and skill needs’ monitoring
- Put the Baseline for Consortium of the Vietnamese Universities’ creation.
Competence provision and capacity transfer stay as pillar project goal provided at all levels and to university staff from the administrative to the IT and researchers, by Almalaurea and European Universities staff.
The online platform developed will also allow enterprises to search for graduates to employ according to specific skill needs, giving the graduates a comprehensive and democratic access to labour market.
The project is expected to have a long term impact of the whole socio-economic system and society envisaging as beneficiaries: the young and the graduates, the universities and decision makers, the Vietnamese business community. Thus the Voyage project will provide beneficiaries with facilitate job intermediation and demand/supply matching of the young and qualify labour, help ameliorating the unemployment issue and also the underemployment of graduates (which stays as a serious problem for the young in Vietnam) and at the same time trying to understand the needs of the labour market’ stakeholders in terms of skills.
Erasmus Cooperation between Higher Education and Enterprises: EU-GRAD
EU-GRAD: An EU Postgraduate Training and Work Programme to achieve “Total Mobility” of postgraduate students across the EU
Increasing employability and mobility of young graduates is a clear priority for the European Commission, as well as for European business, higher education institutions, and many other organizations which support and foster schemes with this objective in mind.
The University of Padova in a European consortium with the Fundación Universidad-Empresa (FUE), Instituto de Formación Integral and Fundación CIFF (Spain), Cap Ulysse (France), Foundation for Promotion (Poland), Spi Consultoria (Portugal) has launched the EU-GRAD project in 2010. The project is funded under the European Union Lifelong Learning Programme and will last from October 2010 until September 2012.
The project is expected to provide conclusions regarding existing barriers to “total mobility” of EU postgraduate students wishing to undergo transnational training or work programmes, to make recommendations on how to overcome or alleviate these obstacles, and to propose a transnational postgraduate training + internship programme model. By doing so, it would be expected to deliver an important contribution to the realisation of the European Commission’s priorities on the issues of employability and mobility.
Role of NWG members and benefits for companies participating in NWGs
Participation in the EU-GRAD programme will give your company the chance to:
- Improve your recruitment strategies with the attraction of the best postgraduate talent on a European scale.
- Enhance your company’s presence in universities across Europe.
- Play an active role in the design of new curricula, following the “new skills for new jobs” agenda.
- Participate in the design of a European programme tailored for the needs of the companies, including yours.
- Involve other European offices of your company within the project framework, facilitating internal HR policies for corporate mobility.
- Address your needs, issues and perspectives with the awareness that the European Commission will take your opinions into the highest consideration for the implementation of future policies for European mobility of skilled workers.
- Benefit from the information, dissemination and communication actions taken by the project partners and the Commission itself, including public agenda, presentation of results conferences, stakeholder’s forums, etc
PROJECT CONTACT: Career Service, tel. +39 049 827 3069 - 3071;
PRO-VIP Promoting and supporting Virtual Placements
International work placements or internships, as they are generally known, are gaining more and more importance in the context of internationalization of higher education and globalization of our (professional) world. Traditional international work placements, where the learner travels to the company abroad, are not always feasible for all students due to financial, geographical, or social reasons. Virtual mobility, or ICT-supported interaction to realize international collaboration, offers possibilities to address these issues.
PRO-VIP is a two-year project, funded by the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme under Action Erasmus Multilateral Projects. The purpose of the project is to create more structural links between higher education institutions (HEIs) and businesses and to create a platform for facilitating and supporting virtual placements. The project has three primary stakeholders: businesses, HEIs and students.
By offering a virtual international placement, the business will directly feel the advantage of being able to engage international interns in a virtual way (access to foreign markets; cost effectiveness; knowledge). Through a virtual placement, businesses can get access to students and HEIs they normally would not get acquainted with and it is a great choice when there are, for example, financial or geographical reasons that makes a ‘physical’ international placement difficult.
The main sectors the consortium agreed to focus on are IT, engineering and marketing.
TALOE - Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning
TALOE (Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning) is a two-year project co-funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme, approaching the e-assessment concept by using technology for assessing students’ learning.
TALOE's main goal is to develop a web-based platform to help teachers and trainers decide which e-assessment strategies to use in their on line courses.
This tool is aimed to raise teachers’ awareness about the variety of e-assessment strategies in order to improve the quality of the learning process.
The main idea is that teachers will describe the LOs of their course or module and the TALOE platform will analyse them and provide a suitable eassessment strategy that is consistent with the intended learning.
The key outputs of the project are:
- document on innovative e-assessment practices,
- web-based e-assessment platform and
- global report on implementation of the platform.
The main target groups are teachers and trainers of on line or blended courses from all levels of education: they may use the TALOE tool to define e-assessment strategies for their courses or modules.
Other stakeholders that may be interested at the project results include:
-researchers dealing with learning outcomes and e-assessment;
-recognition and accreditation staff may use TALOE to verify the validity of assessment methods of prior learning or to provide evidence for accreditation of programmes;
-programme developers may use TALOE to define e-assessment strategy recommendations for new online programmes;
-decision makers may use TALOE to define valid e-assessment strategies for their institutions;
-quality assurance officers and experts for checking constructive alignment of LOs with other elements in a course;
-networks and initiatives operating in the fields of LOs, assessment, vocational education and training, higher education, continuing education and recognition & accreditation.
What has been done?
The project partners have already finalised the initial research and the establishment of the selection criteria for identifying innovative e-assessment practices.
Observing adopted criteria the TALOE partners have collected and reviewed 18 e-assessment case studies.
What's next?
A web-based platform is being developed since the summer of 2014.
This intends to be a combination of tools and services that assist teachers in the identification of a suitable e-assessment strategy for their courses or modules and the understanding of its use.
The user will have to enter the learning outcomes of his/her course and describe them using the tools of the platform.
These descriptions will be analysed automatically, and the user will be provided with suggestions for e-assessment methods.
In 2015, the usability of the platform will be tested with case studies.
For further information please check
or contact Career Service, tel. +39 049 827 3069 - 1521;