How to allocate your 5x1000 to the University of Padua
Natural persons filing an Italian tax return form REDDITI PF or form 730
Select and sign the box titled Finanziamento agli enti di ricerca scientifica e all’Università (Funding for Scientific Research and the university) found on your tax return and enter the University of Padua’s tax identification number (codice fiscal): 80006480281
If you do not need to file an Italian tax return
Select and sign the Single Certification form provided by your employer or pension provider and place it in a sealed envelope with “Destinazione 5x1000 IRPEF” written on it. Take it to your local post office or to an authorized intermediary such as a CAF or to your accountant and they will mail it free of charge.
How much does it cost to allocate the 5x1000?
Nothing. The 5x1000 is a portion of the personal income tax (IRPEF) which the State renounces and which the taxpayer can allocate to non-profit organizations.
What is the deadline to allocate the 5x1000?
on paper between 2 May and 30 June 2024
electronically by 15 October 2024
Prefilled by 30 April 2024
Information available on the Italian Revenue Agency website
FORM 730: by 30 September 2024
Prefilled by 30 April 2024
Information available on the Italian Revenue Agency website
If I allocate the 2x1000 or the 8x1000, can I also allocate the 5x1000?
Yes, because the 8x1000 offers support to the State or to religious institution and the 2x1000 to political parties, while the 5x1000 is intended for purposes of social interest, such as scientific research.