Enactus Padua
As part of the third mission activities of the University of Padua and in an effort to encourage the development of entrepreneurial skills in young people, a collaborative partnership between the University of Padua and the Enactus Italia organisation has been set up. The resulting Enactus Paduateam, an international and multidisciplinary group of university students, is committed to developing innovative projects with a high social, economic and environmental impact, in line with the sustainability objectives laid down in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Enactus stands for:
Entrepreneurial - igniting business innovation with integrity and passion
Action - the experience of social impact that sparks social enterprise.
Us - student, academic and business leaders collaborating to create a better world.
The international organisation Enactus, active in 33 countries, connects university students, academics and business leaders through projects that are proposed by students and based on sustainable social entrepreneurship, focusing on issues in the communities in which team members operate.
The Padua Enactus team participates in the activities of the Enactus network and is committed to the design and development of sustainable projects, regularly presenting their results at a national competition whose winners then participate in the international competition, the Enactus World Cup.
Website: www.clabveneto.it/enactus
Ufficio Terza Missione e Valorizzazione della ricerca (Third Mission and Research Valorization Office)
Settore Innovazione, trasferimento tecnologico e rapporti con le imprese (Innovation, Technology Transfer and Business Relations Sector)
via Martiri della Libertà 8, 35137 Padova
tel 049 827 1860
email: enactuspadova@unipd.it