PhD Course

Scientific, Technological and Social Methods enabling Circular Economy

Thematic area Interdisciplinary Programmes
Duration 3 years
Language English
PhD Programme Coordinator Lavagnolo Maria Cristina

Strongly multidisciplinary course that offers training with technical-scientific, socio-economic, managerial and legal skills with the aim to propose innovative solutions for the transition to circular economy models

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The PhD program is a highly multidisciplinary doctoral course which aims to train young and qualified researchers with skills and abilities, both of a technical-scientific nature and of a socio-economic, managerial and legal nature, who are able to offer solutions innovative and effective to facilitate the transition from the linear model of productive economy to the circular economy model.
To cover all the components of the Circular Economy value chain, the PhD program is organized on 3 curricula, which contemplate all the thematic aspects with a trans- and multidisciplinary nature, that underlie the circular model:
The first curriculum, Circular Anthropogenic Environment and Society, is focused on topics of an economic, managerial, statistical, psycho-social, legal-normative nature, but also contemplates aspects of urban and territorial planning and management, including water resources, and related activities.
The second curriculum, Technical Materials for Circularity, is a curriculum of a technical-scientific and engineering nature, and focuses, from a technical point of view, on closing the life cycle of materials and products of anthropogenic origin.
The third curriculum, Circular Biomaterials and Biorefinery, has as its main focus biomaterials, biomass and the agro-food sector.
The training project is based on the development of an original and relevant research program for the advancement of knowledge in the circular economy sector, and is developed in various topics related in one of the 3 curricula into which the PhD is organized. The development of the research project by the PhD student must have highly interdisciplinary characteristics in order to be in line with the objectives of the planned training.
The training program, aimed at improving into the various disciplines involved in the project, is focused to provide the PhD student with solid cultural foundations to prepare him to face the professional activity as a protagonist. The training program is organized on two levels: training based on courses on more specific topics related to the student’s curriculum and the student's main research activity; a training based on multidisciplinary courses, workshops and summer schools on topics related to the other two curricula. Each doctoral student is therefore required to achieve an adequate number of training credits in both training levels.
PhD students will be required to spend a period of study abroad, at universities or research centers, in order to improve their theoretical/application knowledge and to gain educational experience from a scientific, linguistic-cultural and personal point of view.
Through the annual presentations of the activity carried out, the participation in workshops, summer/winter schools and national and international conferences, the preparation of publications and the thesis, the doctoral student will acquire the communication skills necessary for a more effective insertion in the productive society and in the world academic.
PhD students will develop their research and training path over three years in research infrastructures made available by the partner universities and in at least 4 partner universities in addition to that pertaining to the student's supervisor


Partner Universities:
Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA
Università degli Studi di PALERMO
Università degli Studi di BARI ALDO MORO
Università degli Studi della BASILICATA
Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA
Università Politecnica delle MARCHE
Università degli Studi di TORINO
Università degli Studi di BRESCIA
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento Sant'Anna
Università degli Studi di CAMERINO
Università degli Studi di MILANO
Università degli Studi di ROMA "La Sapienza"
Università degli Studi di SALERNO
Politecnico di TORINO
Università "Ca' Foscari" VENEZIA
Università degli Studi di TRENTO
Università degli Studi di PERUGIA
Università degli Studi di FIRENZE
Università degli Studi di MESSINA
Università degli Studi di CAGLIARI
Università degli Studi di NAPOLI "Parthenope"
Università degli Studi del PIEMONTE ORIENTALE "Amedeo Avogadro"-Vercelli


  • Circular Anthropogenic Environment and Society
  • Technical Materials for Circularity
  • Circular Biomaterials and Biorefinery