National PhD Programme in Scientific, Technological and Social Methods Enabling Circular Economy
The University of Padua has activated a national PhD Programme in “Scientific, Technological and Social Methods Enabling Circular Economy”. This study track, with its strong multidisciplinary features, aims to train young and qualified researchers with highly developed technical-scientific, socio-economic, managerial and legal skills and abilities. They are trained to propose innovative and effective solutions favouring the transition from the linear production economy model to the circular economy model.
In order to cover all components of the value chain of Circular Economy, the PhD programme is divided into three curricula spanning all thematic aspects, both transdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary, underlying the circular model:
- The first curriculum, “Circular Anthropogenic Environment and Society“, focuses on economic, management, statistical, psycho-social, legal and regulatory topics, besides aspects of urban and land planning and management, including water resources, and related activities (e.g., tourism and land use).
- The second curriculum, “Technical Materials for Circularity“, centres on technical-scientific and engineering subjects, with particular emphasis on echnical solutions to close the life cycle of materials and products of anthropogenic origin.
- The third curriculum, “Circular Biomaterials and Biorefinery“, has has biomaterials, biomass and the agri-food sector as its main focus.
The national PhD programme is sponsored by a consortium comprising 22 Italian universities and the Edmund Mach Foundation in Trento.
Deadline for applications is 24 August 2023 at 1.00 pm (Italian time)
Call for admission to the PhD Course 2023/24
- Call for admission - deadline August 24 at 1 pm CEST Download
- Appendix Download
- Project proposal template Download
- List of Qualification Template Download
- Extended abstract Template Download
- Instructions Download
- Evaluation of academic qualifications (15/09/2023 - 16.00) Download
- Schedule of oral interviews (19/09/2023) Download
- Schedule of oral interviews (20-21/09/2023) Download
- Oral evaluation Download
- Final rankings Download
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