MSCA PF Fellow: Cristina Mondin

PDFProject:  StAr-Doc - Standardisation and sustainability of material documentation in archaeology: virtual modelling and time consumption. The pilot study of some Late Roman classes from Egyptian excavations

Cristina Mondin


MSCA Fellow: Cristina Mondin

UNIPD Supervisor:  Michele Sacco

Department: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music

Total Contribution: Euro 222.549,12 

Project Duration in months: 36

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Cristina Mondin obtained a Master and a PhD in Archaeology at the University of Padua (Italy). At the end of her PhD, she started working as a manager in the field of cultural heritage valorisation at the monumental complex of Asolo and Bassano del Grappa (Italy). She has always maintained a keen interest in the study of Roman pottery in northern Italy, Egypt and Türkiye. Since 2014, she has been coordinator of the Kom al-Ahmer/Kom Wasit archaeological project (Egypt). For the study of the pottery in this project, she was awarded with two grants from the British Academy - Libyan Society, and the EU Al-Idrisi II post-doctoral fellowship. Since 2018, she has been coordinator of the Amasili house - Rosetta project (Egypt). Since 2015, with the Boğaziçi University (Türkiye), she has been part of a project to study fine pottery in order to reconstruct trade routes in Roman times.
She will carry out her MSCA project entitled “Standardisation and sustainability of material documentation in archaeology: virtual modelling and time consumption (StAr-Doc)” at the University of Padua under the supervision of Professors Secco, Maritan and Salemi. The project will be carried out in collaboration with the American University in Cairo under the supervision of Prof. Salima Ikram, and the King’s College in London with Prof. Ivan Tyukin. Her project aims to effectively and sustainably document pottery materials from archaeological contexts. The project intends to focus on low- and medium-budget tools with open-access technology.